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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Are you saying that the Rainbows record posted above was a Chris King spin? I’m sure you’re right but it’s not sinthing I remember. Probably ok for the majority of prople on marching powder.
  2. I'm sitting on the fence on this one. If anyone thinks that record is great then they need their ears syringing.
  3. Here you go Roburt. https://www.paypal.com/uk/webapps/mpp/first-dispute
  4. I've reset mine. From now on I'm paying in;
  5. That Rainbows things is orrible. Absolute shite.
  6. Yes. What record is being discussed invisibly!
  7. I bought a record from someone who lives in the UK - and they wanted paying in US dollars? I guess they might have been in the states? Pete
  8. No need for any apologies my friend. Pete
  9. Hah! I'm ok thanks Steve. Best to you and Lou.
  10. I didn't see in Pete's post that Doug was also a singer?
  11. Yes superb record. I think we’ve debated the lyrics in a different thread. When you lose the one you love.
  12. I suspect that this has been asked and answered previously. But is the vocalist black or white?
  13. Just spin a few original 45s. I don’t think you are in the right place actually - probably best in all about the soul.
  14. Ay up Gilly I’ve always liked the lyrics to Gil Blanding. Pete
  15. Bigger! It was a Tyrone Barkley!
  16. Hi Kirsty Yed, I almost forgot it is the season of goodwill.
  17. If that’s Tyrone Barkley you’re either blind or it’s a fecking non look alike boot!
  18. I’ll be making a baby Jesus out of plasticine later.
  19. Hello mate Yes I agree. Having said that I did once have all of the Destiny label reissues on white demo’s. Not rare at all but a nice set non the less. I leant them to someone and they never returned them! Pete
  20. Well done Dave. An organised and focused mission. My collecting is very random and hit and miss. I have a very small collection but still don’t know what I have! Pete
  21. I’m hearing you brother. Pete
  22. I’m hearing you brother! Pete

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