Reading one of the threads about the early eighties got me thinking again about one of things that disappointed me about the modern scene - sort of 79 through to 85. There was such an appetite for new stuff back then - and the big all night venues to break them in, that loads and loads of new stuff was played for a very short time, and then discarded to make way for more quality tunes. My personal view is that we "lost" some real soul treasure in those years - in terms of stuff getting plays.
If we compare the old northern scene - where many of us began - old gits, stuff that was big was played for years and years and years. I think one of the reasons why so many of us embraced the new scene when the big split came - Richard, Sam, Arthur etc.
I know this isn;t a new question but should there be an "oldies" modern scene so that we can keep alive some of those "discarded" treasures? I know Sam and others do some great 70's sets - but can't help think we lost a lot of toons!