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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Thanks for this Pete. Real Searling quality - playing some great, great tracks. Peter
  2. Sean - I only heard this last week. I think it's a wicked a track - obviously many others agree. Is it difficult to find? Peter
  3. I was "casing the joint" the other Saturday. The Chandeliers - I know I can;t spell, seemed a good bet. Can't help but think of that episode of Fools and Horses though! I think I must know you Coxy?
  4. After thirty odd years on the scene - gimme the vinyl - give it to me now, all of it! The deal has to be of course that the vinyl just keeps coming.
  5. Hi Steve So it's finally happened. Some wicked memories of the Winter Gardens - including your fifteen years, and many years before that. I met one of my finest ever girl friends there! Some of the best days of my life. Thanks for all the stuff you put on - I share some of your music tastes. Try and keep the membership going in readiness for the next venue. Cheers Mate. Peter
  6. Cheers Dodger Err, I'm obviously missing something here! I've read the first post - fairly carefully. I've followed the link - but it isn;t recognised! Balderdash!
  7. My ignorance knows no bounds! I can find the My Space site - and have searched for the name - but all I find is other peoples pages with references to Levine. I can't find his page!!
  8. Hi Everyone I can't seem to find Mr Levines My Space page - the link above doesn;t seem to work and I;d be interested to have a read. Help anyone? Peter
  9. Yep - Gill Blanding! Now these two cracking tunes that you don;t hear much these days - Rules and Silent Treatment. Did it also have that wonderful sam track included - Blue Sharks - These Things Will keep Me Loving you?>
  10. You're absolutely right. I think it was a Destinty release - again different track listing. The "original" had Arin Demain - Silent Treatment on it, and I think Rules by aaaaargh - forgot the artist!
  11. Actually the name of the old RCA compilation was Jumping at the Go Go - it was a long time ago! Peter
  12. The cover of the Dance Floor Classics 1 looks remarkably like the cover from the old RCA compilation Dancing at the Go Go - which had a completely different track listing. Peter
  13. Hows about anything by Maze!
  14. Bought loads of stuff from a smal record shop in Mablethorpe, Lincs. I guess one of my first originals was Roy Hamilton Cracking Up Over You on a mint black RCA. Probably paid two quid for it. Peter
  15. Err, um ...............err hmmm, eeeeeh ....................well, eh. I don't have a clue!
  16. Thanks for the clip Pete. The track is a stunning piece of soul music - absolutely top draw. There's also something quite special about the video.
  17. A Bus Load On Their Way From A NF Rally Or Something , At Leicester Oddfellows ,They Come Off Worse Though Thanks To Dave From Leicester And His Umbrella !
  18. That would be cool mate - cheers! Peter
  19. Good thread! Sean - you've mentioned before on here "Did CH ever really exist"? I can't believe that not that many people appear to recall - it was absolutely awesome! Fantastic music - DJ's, spine chilling atmosphere, packed to the rafters with (mainly) lovely people. Wonderful times. We used to head up to Rotherham and meet everyone in the Charters Arms hostelry - I think it was the Charters Arms. We'd always stop at a small chippie at Tickhill - they did some reet good Yorkshire Fish Cakes. Seems like I'm a bit late with recalling some of the tracks - and I've not read all of the threads, and I'm crap anyway cos I spent all my time on the dancefloor - fit as a butchers dog, I'm now fat as a...........! Anyway I know DayBreak was already big at Wigan - but still a big CH tune for me, Pretenders - Just Be Yourself, and what was that track Don't Play your Games - was that a Poke tune or did you spin it Sean? Pete

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