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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. How much is that piggy in the window The one with the crackling nose nice pictures Russ.
  2. Yep a very “normal” person. Why shouldn’t he be able to have enjoyed attending soul do’s - I mean ffs, did he have a copy of Frank Wilson? I’m out of here in disgust. Some people have weird fcuking minds.
  3. It was quiet in my freestyle room last night. Me, me brother and Little Smith, my legendary, but deceased cat, listening in from heaven.
  4. Could be true mate I don’t know. Just saying he was a crap actor.
  5. I dont know about that. What I do know is that he is probably the worst actor in the entire history of television. Yet he thought he was Robert Redford. Wkr.
  6. Hi Steve. Yes a real piece of history. Not the Bobby Hutton soul man, but the sixteen year old, first treasurer of the Black Panthers American rights movement. Surrendered to the police after a shoot out, hands in the air, yet shot dead, in a hail of twenty police rounds. No change for our black brothers and sisters there then. Ive a real passion for social justice and Im massively interested in the continued, African American struggle for equal rights. Bobby Womack, Gil Scot Heron, Sam Dees............ They our brothers and sisters, and whilst a Change is Gonna Come, it ain’t here yet bro. Hope you well brother. Pete
  7. Finally got my brilliant picture of Bobby Hutton, which I bought from America last year, in a lovely frame.
  8. Ay up my mate I sold up in the 90’s and have built a very modest collection almost from scratch again. Only buy things that I like and some bits that have some personal nostalgia attached to them. Mainly have crossover/70s or 80’s bits with a smattering of oldies - Gil Blanding, The Blue Sharks etc. Currrntly toying with the idea of selling up again - not because I need the money, more because I just shove them in boxes! Having said that I’m too fecking lazy to be arsed in going through all the rigmarole of selling! Pete
  9. Hi Jen that sales list is six years old. pete
  10. Fabulous Chalky. Well done mate. The time and effort some folk put into our life longing music journey is truly laudable. Good lad, great job, many thanks. Pete
  11. There's some cool stuff on there - and some pretty girls! Autumn of Tomorrow sounds really cool and upfront too - makes the vid in my view. Funny that. I'll play it to some of my young hustlers tomorrow. Pete
  12. I’m ok pal. Thsnkyou. I hope all is well you. P
  13. Thought you were die hard 60's only Stu!
  14. Hey Shufflin! Don't stop adding to the thread on my account - as I said I'm just one opinion. Sometimes its good to keep things fresh and start new threads. Dave's long standing record of the day is good for posting records from the collection - that thread is kept fairly fresh as the rules say one record a day. Sometimes Dave does have to remind people. But hey bro, keep on posting. Pete
  15. Yes absolutely no offence mate. I was just posting my view. I am one of many thousands. Pete
  16. Not wishing to sound like a belligerent old git, although it perhaps may be a trad true, but............... Hasn't everyone who wants to post on this thread done so - if we're not careful it'll turn into a top 500 night! I've reported mesen so that mods can pass jundgement. Pete
  17. My, those are very long sharp teeth Grandma! Hope you’re well mate. Pete
  18. Nice choices Gogs. Would keep me happy for an hour or two. Pete
  19. A lot of the ones I’ve seen are far from mint. You’re always gonna pay a premium for minty vinyl,
  20. Nice photograph Mark. I used to have one or two Jackdaws visit my garden to feed. Last year they must have had a really succesful time breeding - there might have been two pairs or one pair had two clutches of eggs which fledged well. One chick in particular sqwauked non stop, so loudly, we could hardly sleep for weeks. I now have as many as 14 Jackdaws visit every day in a group - they’re a fairly big bird comparatively, and they eat me out of house and home. I’ve never seen so many - in a group they look quite intimidating. They’re a handsome bird and I suspect that they might keep the recently arrived Sparrow Hawk in check. ATB Pete
  21. Dont have a picture but worthy of note.............. I have a sparrow hawk back checking out my garden - it looks like a young male. Whilst they are a top predator and are an indication of a healthy bird population I am in two minds. I had a female hawk about six years ago - obviously nesting nearby with chicks. However over a four week period she picked off everyone of my tame Collared Doves - 7 of them who had become so tame I could feed then by hand and shout them down from the trees. They were each rendered to a neat pile of feathers on the lawn. GGRRRRR! Pete

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