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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Do we need to have some of those very nice St John Ambulance volunteers on stand by.
  2. I'm not an expert on any of this stuff - either IT wise, copyright wise etc - I no nothing. What I do know is that the clips you posted up Pete are precious treasures - some of the stuff was stunning to say the least. We're else would we have been able to view such stuff - it would have been lost in the archives for ever. The company who appear to have complained and bought it all to an end are ridiculous - what are they doing to share such treasures with us - and to bring the unsung talent to the attention of more people. Doh! :angry:
  3. My memory would suggest that gymnastics had a fairly shortlived "window". I started going places in 76 and they were the rage then. We used to practice in my mates front room - I was never that good and therefore very conscious on the dancefloor - being a non gymnastic dancer. I was pretty pleased when they started to fade out - 79 - 80ish? Maybe that had something to do with the introduction of modern soul music - I think gymnastics and modern would not have worked. Of course there remained the hard core gymnasts - they still remain today, particularly at places like Wigan. Scotty from Doncaster liked his gymnastics!
  4. He is a member on SS - he's a really nice geezer. He's a top DJ in my book - modern stuff, cool tunes etc. He runs Soul Essence at Yarmouth with Bob Cosby. Have a listen to Sounds of Blackness - there's some stuff posted in refosoul on here. Try "Going all the Way" - wicked stuff!
  5. Yep - I like the Family quite a bit. The music is very uplifting - some of it can be a little melancholy, but I like that too. I think it was my mate Gavin Page that switched me onto them originally - along with Sounds of Blackness. Pete
  6. Cheers for that Mand - those few words have lifted my spirits! We can be lifted, lifted, lifted. Lifted all the way!
  7. I still like to dance. When I wore a lad, back in seventies and early eighties I thought I could mix it with the best. Here in 2007 - I am rubbish!
  8. It's bad - not bad as in good or wicked, just plain bad!
  9. Oh well - it was good while it lasted.
  10. I don't see that it's harassing anybody Stuart. It's simply pointing out what many people on here believe to be an error - on his/the papers fault. There's nothing wrong in pointing that out. Like everyone else I receive hundreds of unsolicited emails - at least these have been solicited in a fashion by printing something that is inaccurate. As a journalist I'm sure he would want to get his facts right. If he doesn't like them or give a monkey all he has to do is hit "select all and delete". Yes we're - I, are having a little fun into the bargain.
  11. Sweeeeeet! I was having a bit of a boring day - this could be loads of fun!
  12. Yep - that's mine gone. This will teach him - writing for a fascist rag! :angry:
  13. Err well, yeah right - he's the youngest one on there. Right fashionable geezer - great toons. Tra la la la!
  14. The guy second right at the back looks like Graham Taylor - didn't know he was a soul jock. Mind you he wasn;t a football manager!
  15. It's a great shot - but where's them bloody beatle boots!
  16. I think you're both right. There's some fooking impressive knowledge on here. Any more info on it - I'm sure it was covered as Roddy something - maybe not. Cheers.
  17. That could be it mate........ yes it might be. I wish I could be sure! Anyone got a sound clip?
  18. Just been reading another thread and a track I haven't heard played anywhere for ages came into my mind - can't even remember the title or the artist! Or maybe I can.............it's coming back to me. Was there a track by Roddy Joy - probably covered up at the time, might have been Richard at Wigan. The lyrics go something like this Somebody's been teaching you Showing you how Any takers?

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