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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Hey Pete John Reed has just reduced the Carstairs track from £50 to £30. It's got to be worth buying at that price - just so you can burn the bugger!
  2. Has someone already mentioned the: Joe 90 and the Hawai Five O rubbish. :angry:
  3. It fcuking amazes me what developers and planners get away with!
  4. I can understand some people not liking - or detesting the Carstairs track. But holding it responsible for creating the split in our scene is bordering on paranoia - it's a piece of fcuking vinyl not the anti christ!
  5. Bloody hell mate - what you doin biking to the Humber Bridge?
  6. £5.99 with free postage. Take it or leave it.
  7. Hi Mandy Mmm - there's a question! Would be about 1980/1 wouldn't it? Soooooooo long ago. I remember the revolving floor - I couldn't believe it when my mates told me. I was just a lad from the countyside - was too scared to go down and have a look to start with - what with them funk lot and all that!
  8. More to the point - how does he know he's a first rate cock!?
  9. The cover looks remarkably like to Sun!
  10. Someone did squirell away my Charles Johnson!
  11. John I think a lot of people probably thought that this was the case - and didn't buy soul packs for that very reason. I remember back in the late seventies and early eighties when I was buying stuff I thought exactly that - and didn't buy any packs. I know now of course that I was wrong - and certainly missed out on lots and lots of stuff. I know now of loads of folks who found lots of goodies in packs - doh!
  12. Yes I know who had them - they had other stuff too. Some of it quite hard to find now. King Tutt, Charles Johnson, Bill Harris etc. Some bit's that I couldn't afford to buy again. The geezers not in the country anymore so I've given up hope of getting em back. Ah well. Thanks anyway mate.
  13. Thanks Simsy. Not worth a fortune - but it was nice to have the set. I don't expect to get them back - I guess we've all lost stuff at times! Cheers Peter
  14. Cheers mate - you've just made it even simpler! Mr Smith........................?
  15. how's about reversing the last thirty years - which would take us back to 1977 but only for the soul element. So basically we could do all the nighters and dayers again - and all the naughty stuff that went with that in reverse order. Then when we get back to 1977 - or whatever year yer like, we just change things round so that we're back in 2007 again - no worse for wear. Also whilst we're on our retro soul journey no one from the present time would have missed us cos we would have changed stuff so that they were just suspended in a time trap thingy. Well, you did give a lot of scope!
  16. This must be such a simple question for most of you on here. Is it so simple that no one can be bothered?
  17. Your anti 70's onward soul views and posts always make me smile Pete
  18. Thanks mate. Somebody might have a look at it in the proper place.
  19. Some nice mid tempo seventies and eighties soul toons that are cooooooooooolio!
  20. A couple of years back I managed to get all of the Destiny releases on white Demo's. I lent them to somebody - I forget why, and have never had them back. Just out of interest are these worth anything these days? I picked most of em up from one of the geezers who founded Selectadisk dirt cheap. Any idea's about value? Cheers
  21. 1978 - 1992 was my hey day - I loved it and lived it! Dayers and Nighters - nighters were my preference. Derby Assembly Rooms, Birmingham, Yate, Wigan, Clifton Hall, Cleethorpes Winter Gardens, Leicester Odd Fellows, Notts Palais, Notts Rock City et al. Best days of me life.
  22. It's ok - still not my cup of tea! Might have liked it more thirty years ago! Which is what this thread is all about.
  23. Nah - not my cup of tea. Loads of this stuff was massive though - and I would suggest still is popular with some of the die hard oldies brigade. I'm a progressive soul boy mesen.

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