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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. What a nightmare! Your philosophical approach is very comendable Sean - I hope you manage to get everything sorted as best you can. Cheers. Peter
  2. I don't think there's been a bad tune posted - Mr Searling - Top Man.
  3. I just wouldn't know where to start - far too many to mention for me.
  4. I always felt Richards late casino spins were top draw - some of the best sets I've ever heard. I was converted to the dark modern side 77/78 and was really up for the new stuff - but I loved Richards newer sixties stuff too - he was playing great soul music in my opinion - whether that be 60's or 70's.
  5. Thanks Malc. I agree with you - awesome set from the man. I was really enjoying the scene at this moment in time - some great new sixties stuff mixed up with some fairly newly released seventies. Searling at his best.
  6. Have you got the playlist Malc - would be an interesting read
  7. Oh bugger - forgot I'd already posted something. Doh!
  8. Not far off the mark Kev - Big Brother is pure shite for the masses.
  9. I was on a crappy live crime debate programme - Crime Stalker in the early 90's. Hosted by the ex copper from Manchester. I was there to allegedly debate whether or not single parents should be jailed or not for getting into debt. I was managing a CAB at the time and was obviously therefore against it - the other geezer was some toffy nose Appeal Court judge. The best bit about it was getting picked up in a limmo and the buffet in the hospitality suite - way over the top. I've also done odd bits when I worked for the RNLI - mostly about appeals and stuff.
  10. Sorry Baz - I'm with the NO's on this one. There are hundreds and hundreds of better "newer" soulful toons than this. On a positive note if you like this there is obviously scope for concerting you into a "modern" boy. Check out the current modern two thread - some great soul on there.
  11. Smashing sounds they are too! I'll just go and pop my coat on.
  12. Credit where credit is bloody due - Pete's the only one really breaking records on the Northern scene.
  13. I liked it when the Rev opened up the modern room downstairs - or was it upstairs. Robin and Adam and.........................? Who else - my memory escapes me.
  14. Was a great nighter this. Whose got the pics - and where is the YouTube stuff located?
  15. It looks good to me mate - keep on going!
  16. Me too - and voted! Why do I get the feeling that whatever the outcome of the poll Pete will ne'r gi up his crusade.
  17. Slightly veering off topic - but what's wrong with Mr Floods Party? Ok - it was over played at one time - but still a good toon to dance to when played out. And this from a modern boy!
  18. I've never discovered anything - well music wise anyway, and just buy the odd bits that I like. Used to pick up some stuff from a little shop in Mablethorpe - Carl Tebbutt used to own it in the late seventies - anyone one here know him? So that's my crappy little story. Anyway I always love to hear the "stories" associated with the scene. Good thread Dave - keep posting em up everyone.
  19. Just out of interest. Is this the version with the extra base flicks?
  20. Now there's a record that SHOULD clear the floor everytime. I think it's awful!

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