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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. That was very eloquently put Jo - nice one. I think I'll start a poll - let me see now, do I know how to do that? Peter
  2. Of course we've got some common ground mate - we all have differing views on stuff and you can't beat a bit of banter! Best Peter
  3. It's a quality toon that mate - not sure of value though
  4. You need a decent detective to track one of those down - Sherlock Holmes? I'll just get me coat.
  5. Hi Kev Yep - well that's up to them isn't? Nothing's ever perfect - but my experiences of the scene have been far more positive then my experiences elsewhere.
  6. I've been going for years - mid seventies. Was there, and is there Camaraderie on the scene? Of course there was and is. Yes - ok sometimes we're all a bit protective about the scene - I rememember having my introduction to the scene - and the little initiation period where you had to prove you weren't a div or a plastic - but I survived. Yes there is still the preciousness about records and stuff - but you just ignore that bullshit. So what's different then? Well, travelling all over the country and making new friends, no hostility or scrapping at venues, the shaking of hands if you collide with someone, the shared passion for the music. If it was all a myth people wouldn't return after years would they - once it's in your system it's there forever. People don't just return for the music - they return for the Camaraderie and the overall scene.
  7. The gravy's got to be thick - low viscosity piss like liquid is not gravy.
  8. I agree that a DJ should talk - good ones can create an atmosphere. A good DJ in my opinion is someone who is excited about the tunes he's playing - I think a good example is Mr Barnfather. He's always excited about the stuff he plays - and that's infectious, it spreads to the dance floor. Richard S was another good example. This applies not only to DJing - but to other work as well. Particularly marketing and selling - how can a punter get excited about your product if you're not excited about it. Having said all this I don't like mumblers who you can't understand.
  9. Hi Alan I met up with Terry on Friday at Cleethorpes Pier - had a great night. Finished up in Browns cafe for breakfast - just like the old days. Although I didn't eat brekky in the old days! I left Mablethorpe years ago - been in Notts nearly twenty years. There's only really Terry and me who still get out to do's. Rob Mellors now lives in Thailand, Dave and Caroline don't go out and I ain't seen anyone else for years. I've not been back to Mablethorpe since my mum passed away a few years ago. You're right mate - we had some wicked times! Nice to hear from you. Best Peter
  10. Show and Tell - Al Wilson on my playlist on refosoul. Class.

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