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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Yes you're right Steve - just wanted to add that he's a lazy, ignorant toss pot!
  2. I know Mikey's closed his thread down probably rightly so. But I would like to make a point that I don't think has been raised - although I think it's quite relevant. Jazzy B goes to a Northern do up north - he feels uncomfortable so therefore the scene is racist. What an easy and lazy conclusion to arrive at. I would venture that anyone arriving at a Northern do for the first time - irrespective of the colour of your skin, would feel a little uncomfortable - I know I did all those years ago. Our scene is different - which is why many of us are into it. It is an underground scene - and our clubs were nothing like your main stream club - thank heavens! It does take a while to find your feet - I've said on here before that you had to "pass" your initiation. Which we've all done - ok a bit tongue in cheek. It had nothing to do with the colour of your skin - you might have been accused of being a div or a plastic! Jazzy B has demonstrated with his lazy, ignorant accusation that he knows nothing about our scene - yet from his lofty position he would have us all down as racists. It really is pathetic. Sorry - lhad to get that off my chest.
  3. Thanks Alan I think probably 1981 - but could be wrong? The years have flown by mate - wonderful memories of those days though. Take it easy mate. Peter
  4. Hi Byrney Thanks for the comments. We used to knock round with the notts crew quite a bit - had some good times mate.
  5. That's quite interesting - I think Greg Perry and Omni are both fantastic tracks. So a bit of a parallel scene in France. Is this a new thing Simon - or has it been around for ages - like modern soul over here? Sorry to sound so stupid - it's quite interesting though. I might start a new thread before I get bounced by a mod!
  6. That's an interesting example Simon. I've never really thought about the definition of "Boogie" - and not sure that I would have Omni in there! But then again - erm maybe you are right. Whats everyone else's take on "boogie" - bit off track I know.
  7. It's really interesting all this - confusing, but interesting. We is all geeks with macs!
  8. I knew you'd say that! Nice stuff mate.
  9. Three - that looks like four to me! All nice tracks though.
  10. Nice site Glyn - some good tunes on there as well.
  11. Hi Debbie Good to hear from you. Hope you're all well. Peter
  12. Hi Sean Yes the south yorks massive were a great bunch - still are! Scotty was a character for sure - I think we all were in those days. I think I know most of the Hull lads - and lasses, there was a young lady from hull who I thought was beautiful - she was a lovely girl too - I can't remember her name now! We loved the music you were playing Sean - and some of the other jocks at this time - Poke, Richard - early Clifton Hall before all the politics, Sam, Arthur, some of Pat Brady's stuff etc, etc. We were hungry for new, soul music and we knew we would find it at venues like Clifton Hall and Cleethorpes. For me these were the best times I ever had on the soul scene - for lots of reasons - but mainly the music. I'll have as sort through the other pics and get em up when I can. Best. Peter
  13. I still look the same as well - I'm the one with the grey leather jacket on outside Browns cafe - and the one dancing on his own with no shirt on. I'm in lots of others too - mainly because I was so Greek God stylee!
  14. I think the other two at the back were Mablethorpe lads who went to their one and only niter - that's probably why you're looking away!
  15. I certainly know the face mate. The others on the front row from left are Ross - he used to go for about four years, Terry - my big niter buddy - we still get out and about - both from Mablethorpe, and on the right Bruno - as you know. Top geezer.
  16. We may well know each other then Ken - I knew most of the crew that you mentioned. They were great days - and nights!
  17. Which pic Ken? Who did you knock round with in them days then? We were you living at the time - I knew most people who were going then.
  18. I've finally managed to upload some pictures from the Winter Gardens all nighters which were promoted by Crofty. What a great night this used to be. I'm not sure how to transfer them into this post - but for those that are interested have a look at the Members Gallery - I've posted in there. I've also got loads of pics from the Clifton Hall all nighters which I'll try and get up some other time and a load of other venues. It would be great to hear any comments etc. Best Peter

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