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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I hope its ok putting stuff here - rather than in the gallery. Mike please move if it isn't. t. Anyway, hows about posting some unyet posted pictures of us. Here's me to kick things off.
  2. Not posted for ages. Move your ass to this Webster Lewis produced mover. Gwen McCrae - ave it!
  3. Nice - never heard that side. Is that a beat ballad? It is to me! P
  4. Innit just. Good nights down there.
  5. I know it well enough. Cracking soul record. P
  6. Peter99


    Bloody hell. I never knew that John Major was into rare soul.
  7. Some good memories there Dave. Bretby was my first step back into the all niter world after a hefty break. Hooked up with our mutual pal Gavin. Ill play this tonight. Hope youre well mate. Pete
  8. What a beautiful little miracle. He’s lovely Ste, bought a tear to my eye seeing his tiny face. Pete
  9. That has confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for a long time. I live in shit house, in squalor, with an even shittier record collection.
  10. You really should start looking to get some of these pictures out there Steve - you're pics are now as good as any I see in publications. Well done mate - Im proud of you for the hours you have put in. Pete
  11. Bloody hell Steve - they are truly professional photographs. Absolutely stunning mate. Pete
  12. Thanks mate - I really appreciate that. Pete
  13. Ah, thanks Steve, that’s lovely of you to say that. I’m ok mate. I’ve got an ongoing health issue - I won’t bore you with the detail! Anyway, just back from the doctors and he’s trebled my dose of amatryptiline! Pete
  14. Evening Steve I hope you’re well mate. I know I’ve mentioned this loads of times before, but Edwin is buried in the same cemetery as my mum. Wilford Hill in Nottingham. It’s a very peaceful place, with views right across the city. I often imagine Edwin singing to my mum, with his voice accompanied by the gentle rustling of the leaves on the breeze. Now, Jules Holland knows his music, I like him. He said that Edwin was the best live vocalist that he had ever heard. A fine accolade indeed. Pete
  15. Hi Richard There’s a few on discogs - the album. The 45 is a little more difficult to track down. I’ve got one (the 45) somewhere - if you don’t hear back from me it means I can’t find it. Big spin back in the day - Clifton Hall and Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. Pete
  16. That’s s woman’s work Baz. You should be holed up somewhere warm, with a bottle of decent spirits, barking out words of encouragement. I dunno what this country’s coming to.
  17. In flation in it. For any deflation there would need to be a retriangleination of the spherical strategy accros the global nation.
  18. No need to underline stuff. In my simple world that gives me the impression that you are either a little irritated, you think I'm an idiot, or both. Despite that its quite unusual, although not entirely unheard of, that would be buyers set their own price for a record. I hope you find one Sir, and welcome to Soul Source.
  19. Hi Steve How are you pal? Yep, it’s a bargain if it’s a sale! p
  20. Smashing photographs Steve and Martyn thanks for sharing. Has anyone been watching Hugh’s Wild West? Nature programme based around the Forest of Dean and the Wye Valley? Superb viewing with lots of camera craft. Pete

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