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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. No problem mate - although my knowledge these days is fairly limited!! I know what I liked in the eighties - Sean Hampsey, Simon M and Steve G are some of the best guys on here for modern I guess. I'll write you some down tonight.
  2. Some good tunes there mate. Quite a difficult request though - there are thousands! Without knowing what you know it's gonna be a minefield. Check out some of the sales sites on here - that's probably your best bet. Good luck!
  3. I don't know! When I posted that for some reason I thought there was another version by Dusty - then when I got home I realised that I was thinking of "What's It Gonna Be" another great RCA track. And then I forgot about my post. But then you sussed me! Did I have to thinking - or did you just think iriot?
  4. Moggy Aren't some of these different songs - as opposed to being different versions? Tony Basil is the best Breakaway in my opinion - fooking awesome toon.
  5. I've not read all the posts on here but................... I've always clapped. Clapped to a record - sometimes in the wrong place , clapped at the end of a record to demonstrate my appreciation for a good tune, and clapped DJ's after delivering a decent set. I'll always fooking clap if I want to - I don't care what anybody else thinks! Those that are against clapping have obviously had a little problem down their pants at some point and have been left scarred!
  6. Yes John - I think it was called the Bali Hai. I was a young kid from rural lincolnshire at the time - and for some reason was intimidated by this "revolving" dance floor! The funk boys would be down there later on - used to sneak down and have a quick look. Never got on the fooker myself!!
  7. It certainly is a top tune - great lyrics, great vocals - and THE version in my book. I can't believe some people think this inferior.
  8. I bet you loved that revolving dance floor!
  9. A big hand for the lads. I think everyone enjoyed that. Cheers
  10. You're such a fooking tease! I bet is was fooking crap anyway.
  11. Beaten to it again! It's a wonderful record Kirsty.
  12. It's a cracking show boys - not getting any work done, but it's a cracking show! Peter
  13. My last trip was in the pursuit of culture - and good tapas!! Yes - send details through when you know. P
  14. Ola! I'll swap you Nottingham for a little bit of Barcelona! I haven;t been since 2002. Peter
  15. Barcelona - nice! How are things over there Ana. Peter
  16. You beat me to it Steve - yep that James Brown track is awesome. I never liked a single thing I've heard of his - but what a stunning track that is!
  17. A green in the hand is worth more than an olive where yer can't find it!
  18. Now then Ken - are you trying to usurp my green copy with your olive!

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