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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Blimey!! Barbiturates - they are a blast from the past. I'd almost forgotten they were once part of NS.
  2. I'm not sure - although they reckon one looks like a million dollars.
  3. So there's a book launch and a book lunch! Your not having one of those poncy lunches are you Reg?
  4. There's nothing wrong with that post Barry - some great, and important points about the music - not being 60s, 70s or 80s in particular. Searling was a fooking genius etc etc. Nice one mate. Peter
  5. I like your post James - amusing, but, very true. I agree entirely with what this post says - not that it matters what I think!
  6. Blimey! It must have taken a great deal of patience to actually put a finished book together - well done Reg. It's got to be worth a read in my view - just got one off Amazon.
  7. I'm not sure I've heard the PJ version - has anyone got a sound clip?
  8. Yep - it's the Y Fronts mate. Yoy can't beat it! Mm - over my trousers - not for me but perhaps Night Nurse might try it to spruce up the look of his curtains - I mean bags!
  9. Looks like you'll have to get yer bags bagged up and shipped out mate. I was going to suggest a Charity Shop - but I can see one of the blue rinse brigade assistants telling you to take your fooking trousers elsewhere. Curtains perhaps?
  10. I agree about the comfortable argument. I'm never more comfortable than when I'm wandering round the garden on a summers evening - in me pants. I wouldn't wear them to a do though.
  11. Wear what you like mate. I personally think they look shite - and they're dangerous.
  12. Absolutely Sean Those were wicked venues - there were more than three hundred rammed into Clifton Hall! The best soul times of my life - wonderful music, wonderful crowd. There was also some great nights and Leics Odd Fellows and Loughborough Town Hall - amongst others.
  13. Depends on the point of view! Sorry - couldn't resist that. I'll get me coat now.
  14. I agree - the Controllers did some great tunes.
  15. I might have a spare one of these on the seven - not sure what it's worth? Think it's a cheap one. I'll check tonight.
  16. Mind and Matter - wicked tune. Couple of others Daybreak - I need love - the flip will do too Swiss Movement - I wish our love would last forever King Tutt - You got me Hung Up Greg Perry - It takes Heart Geoff Perry - Love Don't Come No Stronger The early 80's were awesome for music
  17. Hi Sean Tony Fox is a wicked tune - been playing it over and over for the last couple of weeks! For some reason I've become totally hooked on the female backing vocals - it's really odd. It's really odd "To mend your heart, May take some time, To understand these folks of Mine" - I just love it!
  18. There all nice tunes Matt - probably from the same time as Garflield Fleming - Don't Send Me Away Larry Houston - Spend Some Time Together Tyrone Barclay - Man of Value ZZ and Co - Getting Ready for the Get Down Charles Johnson - Love So Good Escorts - Sing a Happy Song I know these are all modern oldies - but there was some fantastic records around early 80's/
  19. Yep - Pete's yer man. The only problem is Pete takes a fooking hammer to modern 45's!

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