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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Just ok in my book. Would make a decent James Bond theme tune.
  2. ..................and fish and chips on the way home!
  3. It wasn't perhaps what enough people wanted Dave - there was certainly an appetite from the people I spoke to who went. It's shame. I guess that's the one of the biggest problems. Obviously any venue has to be financially viable - and to a degree that means bums on seats. Onwards and upwards. I look forward to hearing more about the new all nighter in due course. I'm sure a few on here can put up with a few nose bleeds heading all that way darn sarf!
  4. Sounds you like you might be getting a nasty call for your troubles Ken!
  5. six of us in a mini from spilsby in lincs. Hell of a journey!
  6. Aye! Stafford was undoubtedly a landmark and important venue - I was never a 60's mafia fan I was a modern boy and Stafford catered for both. Yep - I'd buy and read the book. Better get cracking Dave I think the consensus is a big yes!
  7. Seem to recall doing that myself Steve - about the same time too! Not the same record. Feckless youth and all that - good times though.
  8. Blimey - not another todger and mangle story? Pleased his ok.
  9. I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you're feeling better and home soon mate. Peter
  10. Reminds me of Roy Hattersley's mum and David Blunkett! The political story is quite sad though - shame on Mr Blunkett. Bit off thread. Better get back to the kitchen before the mods notice.
  11. Your mum certainly knows her soul music Sean - bless her. My deal mum liked a bit of left field too - Ike Noble's "Your Love" by way of example. A super piece of quality soul music. Yep - Mr Brady competed with the best in his day! Ah yes Jimmy Bo Horne. Great times - the 80's for me was such a rich time for new soul music - whether from the 60's, 70's or 80's. Best. Peter
  12. and I am! I look forward to reading that. Thanks Peter
  13. Absolutely stunning from the great man. I've forgotten more tunes than I can remember. Took me right back to Clifton Hall Sean. Definitely better tahn the footy today Chalky.
  14. Hey Bearsy What's Kentucky Simmered Chicken got to do with this thread?
  15. Despite the posts to the contrary Malc I won't be swayed - I stick by my guns! It would appear initially that you and I might be out on a bit of a limb here! I respect everyone else's views especially the promoters who have posted who know far more than me about this sort of stuff - like Chalky at Lifeline. I've heard nothing but positives about his venue - well done Chalks. I will get up to your venue in 2008. However, like you Malc I've been round the block quite a few times and I know what I would like to see in a venue. I went to a couple of Dave Thorley's Soul Shaker do's at Solihull last year - I found the music mix unbelievably refreshing. It wasn't a nigher and it needed more support - but for me the mix was right. I think the lack of support was down to other venues clashing - not the music policy. I know Dave had a lot on last year - marriage and stuff, but I hope 2008 sees him revive his do's. Maybe he can be persuaded to do a nighter! Just a few thoughts and personal preferences.
  16. How's about Pete on here? Have a look at his website Planet records.
  17. You do make me laugh! just putting me scarf and mitts on! Then I'll leave you in piss - I mean peace!
  18. Cos us northerners are too scared to go south! I agree about the mix Bearsy
  19. Hey Barry I do like your drunken ramblings! My answer would be a nighter that plays a truly cross section of music - from underplayed quality 60r's through to refreshing, quality new releases. As long as it's good quality soul music. All in one room so that everyone could unite behind the music. Perhaps I'm living in a soul utopia! Best Peter
  20. Hypocrisy? Perhaps a little maybe. I think this is far out weighed by the passion that people have for the music and those mainly unsung and unrecognised artists that have brought us the music we love. Most of whom would have lived their lives and passed away without any recognition for their work. There's a genuine love of these people - I would say affection, but I believe it goes way beyond that, and the music they have brought us. I feel privelidged to be a tiny part of this music scene - and a certain affinity with many of these people. I know the majority of NS people share this. It's not a one sided love affair either - just look at the many artists who have been tracked down in the states over the years. Many had no idea of the passion that existed for their music - many had been forced out of the industry due to little or no success. I don't know of many of these artists who have been unhappy at discovering just how much we value their often small, but not insignificant, contribution. I may have missed the point - but I like many others have enjoyed the special relationship I feel that I have had with these unsung heroes. It has brought me much pleasure over the years - and I know that is shared by a great number of the artists too.
  21. Boo! How are you? Yes - we used to meet up with the Notts crew here before heading off for nighters in the early 80's. The usual motley crew - shippo - God bless him, curly, pickles et al. Also a geezer from Clifton who had a little girl - can never remember his name though! Obviously you must have been there - I'm not sure if I know you!?I'm pretty sure Byrney would have been there and can probably add more than me. We used to travel from Lincolnshire at the time although I've lived in Notts for 18 years now. Peter

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