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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Mm. I’m not sure things have progressed now beer is everyone’s poison. I don’t see how that can in any way be better than what drove the scene in the old days.
  2. MVPS was as you know a massive Cleethorpes record, so it’s as good a guess as any. One of the coolest things about that clip was the whirring of those reels of film. Nice one Mike.
  3. There was nothing veiled about my comment about your time on the scene - it included the word supposition and ended with a question mark. I suspect that you could call me Johnny Come Lately - but your lately would be subject to the same time warp. It was over forty years ago.
  4. One thing is for sure. This thread has been very cathartic for some - I’ve never seen such a collection of lengthy posts. Exorcism of the devil!
  5. It sounds to me that you’re stuck in a time warp. No time for records you don’t know, no time for new faces and all based on memories from nearly 50 years ago. It also sounds like your stint on the scene which ended in 1975 was quite a short one. Of course that could be entirely supposition on my part.
  6. But that is still as relevant today. There are regular debates about the rarity and quality of particular records - it would be disingenuous to think otherwise. I recall well, back in the 80’s, having a particular dislike to the 60’s newies movement. Led sterlingly well by 60’s mafia stalwarts Guy and Keb. For me that epitomised view of if it’s rare or new it has to be good. It was bollox then and it’s bollox now. Don’t tell anyone but I labelled that sound as being from Guy Dustbin and Kev Garbage. It just didn’t cut it for me. Of course it is pure subjectivity.
  7. A few of us were in contact with Gil some years ago. We bought him a copy of his own record - his story very typical of many artists whose oft, one off records we love. I think that copy came from Johnny Manship. Gil was thrilled to receive it - I have a couple of emails from him somewhere. One of my favourite 60’s records - always reminds me of Nev Wherry. I have a minter in my very humble collection. P
  8. Is it true that old folk smell of piss? That’s really sad if it’s true.
  9. I don’t think I have misunderstood you at all. You’re missing a one word answer to your question/point - it’s really, really simple. Supply. Sorry to be pedantic but your assertion that the scene met with its demise in the mid 70’s is quite incredible and simply not true. Obviously, it may well have died off in your very personal world, but that is completely different.
  10. Basically yes mate. There are of course legitimate “acetates” of unreleased records, which can be very similar. It’s a funny old game.
  11. Well done for putting the time in on this thread - your contribution has been significant. Having said that, I don’t think you get it. Your post suggesting that the ovo thing is absolutely crazy is way of piste. Not least because by default you are supporting the notion that any tom, dick and Harry could pitch up and play a load of boots, or even cd’s. Or even just pitch up with s laptop and play YouTube content. Sorry, if I’ve misunderstood you, but if I haven’t then with all due respect I think you are talking the language of Bolloxexis.
  12. But that is far from “nowadays” accepted practice. I haven’t read the entire thread, but I’ve noticed some very, very long posts. The fact is that the likes of Wigan, and other big venues, were dropping records on a massive scale simply down to booting. What happens nowadays in terms of record turn over pales into insignificance - it always will do because the supply of new 60’s records isn’t there anymore - and that’s probably been the case for nearly 30 years.
  13. Interesting Dave. I saw a documentary on Tequila recently - it’s named after the town Tequila. It showed them harvesting the plants - there were specialist harvesters, all done by hand. I seem to recall that the main producer is a family business - Americans, who spotted an opportunity. That could be wrong though as it was all a bit fuzzy. Absolute Vodka, Cherry flavour.
  14. I'd have never have got that in a month of Sunday’s!
  15. Yep I don’t know Dave. It does somehow look familiar. I’ll be patient and wait until you let us all know. Pete
  16. A wild form of nettle or artichoke Dave? Im sure I’m wrong. P
  17. Disco modern? Bloody hell that's a view from 1980/81 - nearly 40 years ago. What's your definition of great Northern records that are overlooked or ignored?
  18. Nice one Mark. The geezer on the left looks like Nev Wherry. Pete
  19. It was pretty hard core Rob!
  20. Ha! I didnt know you were putting in a shift as a mod! Nice one - I had a stint in the past. Thanks Pete PS - I'm sure there will be lots of posts regarding my good looks. We could be in for one hella of a ride. When will the smileys be fixed mod don?
  21. Now then oh Swift one! I'm ok mate and hope all is well with you. It's Caroline. Originally from Grimsby, then lived in Louth for a bit. She did indeed go out with Kev for a bit - years ago. She's been married to Dave, my mate from Mablethorpe for years. Theyve got two lads. Pete

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