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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Richard Searling Soul Sam Poke Gary Rushbrooke
  2. It is very subjective. I'd definitely have Dickie Searling on my list.
  3. Oooops. No I don't have a better idea.
  4. I, like many others share your frustrations when records get repeated and repeated. I'm not slagging your idea off - but I'm pretty sure it won't work.
  5. Some nice tunes in there mate.
  6. Just done a you Gav - spat me coffee out!
  7. I;m not sure there;s a bad track on jumping at the go go. My cover has got coffee stains!
  8. Yep Sheps list has one.
  9. There was one on here earlier mate - someone posted a long sales list up but can't remember who it was. I'll have a look.
  10. Ay Up Mate Your obviously being really decent telling us about this facility. The problem is that most of us are thick - we don't have a clue about all this tech stuff!
  11. Yep - that sounds perfectly straightforward!
  12. Happy New Year Mike and all the mods. What a great site. Happy New Year to all my fellow soul sourcers - I hope 2008 brings you all you wish for. Peter
  13. Not heard from you for a while mate! No point in mincing yer words.
  14. That'll make you and Pete narrow minded then Chrissie!
  15. I thought both tunes were awesome - still think they're top, top sounds. It's funny - but I always thought the Group tune was the distorted one! I think some of the other posts say a bit more about where the record(s) went etc.
  16. Not sure if this has been posted already One silk stocking lying on the floor A lonely little doggie crying at the door John and Wierdest - really sad lyrics.
  17. You've turned up the volume on the background music to drown out the rustling of the paper sleeves!
  18. OOOOOOH! If you go back and read the thread properly you will see that I simply said I did not like CC - and I don't. I really don't give a fook what he does or doesn't do. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, I don't give a fook what you think either. If you want to get all worked up defending CC and his show feel free.
  19. Wonker! Craig Charles will probably get one next year.
  20. Allegedly CC does lean towards the funky side of things - you could be on to something Bearsy. Do you live next door to the ground!

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