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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. What you doin posting up scans of disco tunes?
  2. I think I've only ever heard the TB version - which I think is a top tune. Have you a soundclip of the DR's please Steve. Thanks
  3. Fooking hell - are there loads of versions of this then?
  4. Quality stuff Malc thanks. That is Pattie Labelle isn't it?
  5. No vest! What the..................................
  6. How many versions are there? I like Tyrone Barclay.
  7. Hi Malc I was looking forward to seeing that - but apparently it's no longer available. So Many Rivers LP if I'm not mistaken.
  8. I always thought it was a bit closer to home - but I'm saying nuffink if no one else is. I thought this had been 'outed' on here on another thread recently. It was a fooking stunning 'album' in terms of tracks - Trickies best 60's and modrn at the time.
  9. The record is a quality piece of soul music. The moderators are here do moderate the site - not sure why that's confusing.
  10. You keep changing your post! It's a cracking tune
  11. Yeah I think she's great. There's another song and vid with the dancers in - I think that one's much better.
  12. Summer In the Park - can't remember off the top of me head who it's by Winter in America - Gill Scott Heron Winter in the Ghetto
  13. I nearly missed that Sean - you old harry hippie!
  14. Bit late with my post but it is a cracking record.
  15. Took a ride in a dreadlocked hippies car once. He was playing a cd - I said that's Anne Sexton. And yes it was.
  16. I have actually worn "Gear" a few times. The most memorable being a trip from Lincs to Notts Palais with me mate Terry. Another was at Manchester Ritz with another mate - I wonder if he'll own up!
  17. You lucky bastard! My dear old mum used to take the piss out of me! I was abused I was!
  18. Fooking bags and all that shite. I even had a pair of patchwork denim bags. As Paul;s dad might have concurred - I looked a twat!

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