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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Must concur wicked toon and what a DJ and set up! As far as identifying the track - well you guys know loads more than me! Hope someone nails it though.
  2. Someone already said wow! Nice one Simon. Peter
  3. They were def from Sheffield. It was me who opted for the brown! Seems like this is common fare to you mate! There aren't many people I know that know a pork pie sarnie! Fook me - I quite fancy one now!
  4. Hi Rob Your post bought a smile to my face. Went round one of me mates when I was about 17 - he was from Sheffield. His dad came in and offered a brew - nice. He then offered me a pork pie sandwich! I'd never heard anything like it - but I had one anyway - with loads of brown sauce! Anyone else had a pork pie sandwhich?
  5. I've heard a lot worse than that mate. Yep - I think I quite like it.
  6. At least it;s mild. All these bargain basement purchaes are causing a stir!
  7. Steady on there. You whooped everyone and then felt it necessary to go on a one man (woman) crusade in your very personal need to protect Pat Brady? Fooking hell calm down. This is a nice place for people to exchange their views. There's no need for rabid - in my opinion, over the top replies. Just take it easy. BTW - the record in question is crap - fooking awful. I don;t care who played it.
  8. What? You're having a laugh aren't you? Who are you getting personal with - probably everyone on the site. This site is about debate - and we're all entitled to express our opinion. I think a little valium may be useful!
  9. Ooops nearly forgot. It is absolute shite!
  10. Now then Rob Yep we always sat on the left of stage didn't we! Yep wouldn't mind a copy of the vid. Let me know for definite if you coming back we ought to meet up. Peter
  11. Yep - great thread Ian I've never had an amazing collection. Just a few bits along the way - a mixed bag really. I've sold a lot for differing reasons, had a load stolen and lost some in renovation work at home. Peter
  12. As well as Barry White's great contribution to music he also did a great deal for black american rights and discrimination. Saw a live recorded show of him performing at the old BBC studios in the seventies recently on the telly - what a performer.
  13. There's absolutely nothing wrong with the Walruss in my view. He made some wonderful records - what am I gonna do included.
  14. That'll be it then Harry - great fooking tune! Well I love it anyway.
  15. Well Mr Weston - what can you say to a now (edited) blank post? Other than Paris Blues is a quality tune.
  16. I went into refosoul at the weekend. Now I'm no techie - but it's obvious that there's loads of work gone into making those improvements. It must be a labour of love. Top man Mike. It's appreciated. Peter.
  17. As everyone else has said - what the fook! Were people that bored? I thought the "hard core" boys who were into cranking there gear would have been to eager to get there buzz. The mind boggles - there's certainly did.
  18. This was Richard at his absolute best. The quality of the tunes records - old and new was stunning. My personal view is that these are some of the best sets ever played on our scene - I don't think they'll ever be matched for the quality and versatility. Thanks for posting em up mate. Peter
  19. Blimey - thats's a tricky question for a sunday afternoon! I don't know - but I'll have a guess and then be shot down in flames! 1976! Incoming!
  20. I reckon that's about right. Weren't all of a them a normal spin? I don't think the 3b48 thing was "instant" - I could be wrong.
  21. Erm - quite an interesting response. A lot of our music is "depressing" - is that the only reason you don't like em? Or is is that you just don't like em? If that makes sense!

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