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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I worry myself sometimes Rachel!
  2. Yer might still get flooged for giving some of us the impression that you were attempting to pull the wool over our eyes. Who'll be first to take a wet Womans Weekly to the Paper Boys ass?
  3. This has the potential to be a good thread. But the hour is late and I'm off to bed. Will certainly revisit tomorrow.#
  4. Yep finally got home mate - non the worst for a bit of wear and early morning wandering. Good to meet you too. So back on thread - my demonitor is pretty low!
  5. Yep. You tell em Mike. Bloody Charlatons!
  6. You don't miss a fookin trick Pete!
  7. Yep an interesting thread. I bought a load of Destinty demos about 8 years ago - not far off the full set from a geezer who used to be involved with Selecta Disk. Paid a pound each for em. Nice to have I thought. Leant em out and never got em back. I don't know that much but they're worth more than a quid each!
  8. Yep - I think that's a good selection too! Nice one. Peter
  9. Wow! So much too choose from. If the idea is to give a whirlwind tour of all that is our scene I reckon thats a cracking choice mate. They'll be those that have other views - but I reckon you done well good. Peter
  10. What a fooking nightmare - we were a reet mashed up fookin crowd - most of us! Like you say we can look back and laugh now - but at the time..............
  11. I've not heard the track mate. I think Sharleen S has made some great music - I think she's absolutely stunning too!
  12. Yep you should ashamed of yourself Shep! We all have different tastes and likes - of course we do. It's good that we can debate and share. Uh mm - the particular track in question though is rubbish! Obviously I have too much time on my hands this evening. Top of the day everyone. Ironside.
  13. I think you;ll find that debate is healthy. I don't need you or anyone else to ask for my opinion.
  14. Blimey Malc - did you stay up all night to write that? You've dished up a huge plate of tripe!
  15. OOOOooohh! Like I said I Think it's fookin shite. That's my opinion.
  16. Cheers mate. I don't know 98.6 - and the previous link doesn't appear to work.
  17. That made me smile Harry - and invoked a few similar memories. As you say happy - and half fooked up days (and nites!) I liked DST by Keith - still do.
  18. Yep a great tune. Overplayed as has already been mentioned although from a release date point of view it still sounds fresh and definitely has that extra "something" about it.
  19. I've always thought this record is ......................................fookin shite!
  20. Has Chris nailed it then guys? Better than Hitchcock this.

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