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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. The decent moves in that sequence he pinched from me. The bloody bast*rd.
  2. Yep does look nice. An niter freebie one off?
  3. Got to agree - both of them are top, top tunes and massive in the day. I still love em both.
  4. A tune I've always thought a lot of - great stuff. Peter
  5. Well said Malc. If you read some of the posts it appears that everyone is innocent - it's laughable. Ironside
  6. Finally thought of one! I used to think the chorus in Statue was "Is that you, that you baby"
  7. And fookin bullshit to boot! Byrney
  8. Back in the days of yore it had a huge impact. My personal eperience is that nearly everyone was off their rocker on something or other. There was very little, if any, booze in them days. Let's not forget the baribiturate brigade as well - plenty of them in those days too - something I could never quite get my head round. Times have changed. Booze plays a bigger part these days - with late bars at most places - as Tabs said. There are still plenty who like their comestibles - but it ain 't like it used to be. Neither is the gear for that matter!
  9. Yup! Nice one Frank. Thanks for the post. Some great listening there. The Ebony link is wicked too! Peter Ironside!
  10. I can't stop laughing - it's the funniest thing I've seen on here for ages! I've got tears running dowm my face - like I've been caught in the eye with a crusty pie.
  11. PMSL at your post and Pete's! Sorry mate I'm nearly crying!
  12. Don't want to be boring - but me too. Been racking my brain for others - there were loads that I had wrong but can't think of em off hand.
  13. Yep - wasn't knocking the price. Just - err, more than I thought! Got one in me box somwhere.
  14. Hiya Gordon Thanks for posting those shows up - some nice stuff there. I know Steve from years and years ago - not heard much about him for quite a while. Peter
  15. Good Evening Simsy Not much gets past you! Yeah - I understand your introduction to Lesha.
  16. I'm bloody confused now! Send Him Back a great northern track. As for the latter part of the thread - I've lost the plot.
  17. Hiya Mate Just a quick welcome. You might be the first member from Russia! Peter

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