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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Blimey - you type fast Gareth! On a personal note I agree with your latest post - or rather that's very much how I see things. I do get irritated when "modern" - however we want to define that style of music is seen as the black death - it simply isn't true. A good post mate - I wanted to disagree earlier!
  2. A lot of people left because the scene had become stale and fookin shite in parts - it had run it's course in many peoples lives. Modern was not the anti christ of the scene for the majority - it's very easy to have a scapegoat.
  3. I'm really sorry you've let your reggie stuff go and begged and borrowed to do the deal Pete. I know from on here that you work hard to make a go of things. I hope things pick up a bit for you mate. Peter
  4. Why is is that even when you know what you're likely to say - I still can't help laughing.
  5. Yep - it could run for months this one! A very thoughtful answer.
  6. Where you off to Rachel? Anywhere nice?
  7. There's five knuckle shuffling Pete - would that count?
  8. Just making the point that you may think it's shite - but loads of others disagree. I can see a Smithy Record Smash up coming on!
  9. OOps - didn't see the bit at the bottom!
  10. Didn't quite get that Dawn. Peter x
  11. There's a fair few who like "plodding, shuffling shit like Larry Houston Pete - myself included. A decent record is a decent record - no matter when it was released. As I know you agree - there was loads of hundred mile an hour sixties fookin shite, pop shite, and of course the overplayed shite. Modern may have ruined it for you personally Pete - I accept that. But it didn't ruin the scene for good per se.
  12. People were already scurrying away Pete - the scene was tired. Modern stuff kept me - and lots of mates interested and motivated.
  13. Not read all the thread cos I'm a lazy so and so! I'm not going to get into a heated poncy debate on this but..................... Northern without "modern" - no way hosay! Modern revitalised this beloved scene of ours from circa 1979 onwards. I like all soul music - 60's, 70's, 80's etc to now. Diversity is good. Tra la la la la. Ironside
  14. There's an Eddie Billups on here today. Think it was KWJ - it'll be in sales posts.
  15. Last time I saw one I think it was a ton. Mm - having said that it might have been two! Can't remember.
  16. I've just seen this! Pi**ing meself!
  17. Yep had one myself back in the 80's - I don't know where it went. I certainly don't have it now. I think it was a bit easy come easy go in those days. Doh!
  18. Steady on Ian - you'll be accused of talking the market up! Ironside
  19. Yep wicked tune Marc. That appears to be a very reasonable price too. Ironside
  20. Yep - impressive. Nice one Nev
  21. Yep stunning record. One of those that will always be a stunning record. IMO
  22. I haven't heard the FW version - or heard of it I think. Soundclip anyone? Peter

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