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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. You really do sound silly. Why don't you go and contact the authorities - it might keep you from posting on here for a while. Do you really think the "authorities" would be interested in your complaint?
  2. Now then Mr Imber Boy! My mate Andy was in Bosnia - a big geezer from Hull. I know there were lots of yer our there but don't spose you know im. A bit off topic I know. Ironside.
  3. That Dirty Dan Davey was givin it the big un an all.
  4. Hiya Sis At least you posted a couple of questions. Paul just feels the need to slag IL off at every opportunity - I don't see the point. I think we have all grasped that Paul dislikes Ian. There's no need to keep the onslaught going and no need to keep telling everyone else not to post on this thread.
  5. I might be a fart Moggy - but less of the old. I'm a young man! You know me - I like to be gracious and subtle.
  6. I like all your poems Swish. What a lovely thread all round. Ironside
  7. Trays are for chips and curry sauce aren't they?
  8. Yep - this is a right piece of dog turd!
  9. Is this post about the Interplay record still? Have a ceremonial burning down on the sea front! Or ask Smiffy for some advice on how to effectively smash the fooker.
  10. I think that's top notch mate - I really do.

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