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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Ok then TUNE! Top class soul music however you want to say it.
  2. Turds! You ungrateful bar steward. Not only did you find a copy of the record you wanted you nearly found out who it was by! Thats fookin gratitude ain't it! Fookin turds.
  3. I knew you were following Mr Levine's thread a little too closely Smiffy!
  4. I can't find it on that link Simon.
  5. Depends what label it's on Di! I only do original blends such as PG Tips or Tetley. I don't do imitations like Happy Shopper shite! Hope you and H are ok.
  6. Yeah, ok Andy, provenance is a good word. However, you did little to answer my question which you were so happy to bastardise in your own post.
  7. You know it makes sense Simon. So Steve - pray tell?
  8. If the thread is to have any merit then surely it has to show some balls. Instead of mincing on about all that is OVO - let's have you naming and shaming. Come on - who are the heretics? And, where are the fookin C.r.&.p venues. You've strarted - so you may as well fookin finish.
  9. So, precisely where are the C.r.&.p venue's? Not one been listed yet - which to my mind quite defeats the objects of the thread. Ironside
  10. Just had a listen - certainly don't recall it from way back then. Has a lot going for it IMO - a good dancer with some nice breaks. My preference back then was for new stuff - mainly modern, but I still liked my seventies and some of the quality "newer" sixties stuff. In fact my only non compliant approach was for the "Sixties Newies" mainly from Guy and Keb - never my cup of tea. Although this stuff came a little later in history. Peter
  11. Thanks for the interesting reply Sean - or should we call you "Hot Knife Hampsey"! I'll have a look at the link. Peter
  12. That's a nice story mate - it's amusing, and I'm sure he wouldn't thank you for telling the whole world, but it's a nice story anyway.
  13. Hi Sean There wasn't too much that didn't take off at this point in time was there - certainly not with my crew! Is this buried somewhere or can you put your hand on it and post a clip up? I'd be really interested to hear this - it doesn't ring any bells from the title - although it was a while ago! Best Peter
  14. I'm the one to do it and Whispers are my favourites.
  15. There's nothing there Ang - nothing to see or click on, nothing to hear.
  16. It sounds very quiet. Very quiet. In fact I can't hear a fookin thing cos there ain't no sound file.

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