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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. So it looks lke it was 1981 then - I thought it was a bit later than 1980. Had some very interesting pms. A certain northern industrial city has been named by three seperate people.
  2. Goin undercover for a while - I've had a few pms from some very, very odd and shady characters.
  3. Mm. Very interesting Steve. I assume you were there and saw it? I can't remember the exact year - was it 1980 or 81? Right - gonna go and check out the fookin Stoke connection!
  4. Right had a bit of a chat about this on Simons Cassanova thread............... It's circa 1980 - Wigan casino. Modern Soul is taking a real foothold - Messrs Searling, Sam etc. There was a growing backlash from the die hards who hated all things modern which resulted in Soul Sam receiving his marching orders from the casino. So, do you remember the night when the banner "Keep the Faith not the Funk" was hung from the balcony? Were you there? Did you see any suspicious fookers prowling round the balcony, lurking in the darkness with intent? Did you hear any whispers on the grapevine? Just who did hang that fookin banner? If you do know anything you can post up here or pm Ironside99 in complete confidence.
  5. Sam did play the odd questionable track - but so did most of the other jocks. For me he's always been a top, top dj and all round good geezer. Now - the thought of that night with the fookin banner has got me thinking - just who was it? I never knew on the night and don't until this day. But - in good old Ironside style I'm gonna track the fookers down! I'm gonna post up a new thread. So lets be aving yers!
  6. Just listened to that for the first time in years - it's not quite as bad as I remembered it. Lots of worse things been played over the years. I think this is one for Smiffy.
  7. Hello and welcome to Soul Source.
  8. Any chance of posting that up mate? Or even getting a copy? Thanks Peter
  9. It was a sad night indeed. There were many people that night who signed our petition - we did give it to Sam. We got a bit of stick from some - I was only a young lad but didn't give a fook. I've always been a big fan of Sam - one of my favourite spinners and a nice guy to boot.
  10. Ooops! Should have read your post first Mark! Doh! I've mentioned it on here before about Sam's sacking at Wigan. His last night was the night the big banner "Keep the faith not the funk" banner was hung over the balcony. Me and me mate from Boston got quite a hefty petition signed in support of Sam - didn't change anything, but proved Sam had plenty of supporters at the time.
  11. This was a Sam spin if I recall. Not in my opinion one of his best. Not that it has any bearing on the original post - but didn't this chart? Ironside
  12. It was mentioned on the IL thread John - but I think the idea of it being a tailor made was cast aside.
  13. Yep - you posted Next Stop up for me I think John as I'd never played it. Like you I like both sides now.
  14. Great record this. Definitely one of my favourite seventies tunes. We had a bit of a discussion about this on here recently - which included some discussion about the flip, which I had never bothered to play before I sold the record! Anyway - I knew it was a few bob, but just seen it on Pat Brady's auction currently at £320 with a few days to go. Sold my minter for £50 not so many moons ago.
  15. Looks like the guy has had some nice stuff.
  16. A little off topic - but about tapes anyway! Does anyone know a guy called Chris Hood on here? I'm sure quite a few must know him on here. Anyway, he had the best collection of live tapes I've ever seen. Wigan and all over. On good quality tapes, all labelled up and stored in a bit of a library.
  17. Dead right Pete. We were saying this on Prophonics thread last week. It's a stunning fookin record for sure - it's a haunting record.
  18. Yep - top tune. One of the best in my view.
  19. And I, in my humble opinion, agree young Sir.
  20. So what was the boot of this? I'm sure I had one which somehow got melted a little at the edges and wouldn't play. It was years ago and I think I got so fed up with it I frisbeed it accross the fields.
  21. Sorry James, but which is the serious problem - dullards with their original vinyl or the so called heretics who play boots?

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