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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I'll go with early 81 Steve. Can someone post up the letter from Echoes? I'm not sure what you mean about the petition Steve? You want to see it? I don't think Sam would have kept it? I've got two names - straight up! Not saying anything yet but I will once I'm sure. I've also been told to fcuk off and leave it alone - bloody hell it was nearly 30 years ago. Silly threats don't bother me. Ironside
  2. Twas spice of my life Sean. These were the richest days of my soul life - we were living the dream! Peter
  3. Cheers mate. Still sounds great don't it. What a voice.
  4. Think it definitely ended with an O! Your word reminded me of the worzels!
  5. OWhooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Always liked this track - grea dancer!
  6. I like it too. Also big at Cleethorpes Winter Gardens "After Dark" niters. Them were days.
  7. "If you give me one minute of your time I swear girl, I'll work overtime, undertime, anytime all the time" "Yeah, I'll keep some fine rags on your back" I think it may be open to debate? I might like to see the girl naked.
  8. Right - just to recap. Was the banner aimed at Sam? It may or may not have been entirely aimed at Sam - however, I think we agree that this was Sam's last night - me and my mate Mick Bradbury did the petition - fact. Did the banner get Sam the sack? Probably not - I think his fate was already sealed. The banner did stoke up quite a bit of emotion though and didn't help. Was it 1981 or 1980? My investigation has been unable to be specific about the year - cos everyone's memory is fooked. I think 1981 - but others have a different view. Was it the scottish lads? Definitely no - I have ruled them out. Fact. Were the lads from Stoke the guilty fookers? No - they are definitely innocent, this time anyway. What I can tell you is the guilty parties are from the North West and I have discovered that the said "banner" was home made. It does have a scottish connection. I have had some pm's telling to keep away from this piece of history. Allegedly, there are five people who know - and it's been kept a secret for many years. I will get to the bottom of it. Ironside
  9. But how do we know Barry? Did she? I've heard this line so many times - think the record's got stuck. I would also like to know who was around to witness, and therefore substantiate, that that Crocker geezer actually used a ton of explosives. Seems to be erring on the side of bullshit to me. And whilst we're on the subject I do not believe for one minute that the geezer from the Moments rang his bird nine times. Right - I'll get me coat. I'm off to see the Forest kick Charltons arse!
  10. Pm me mate. I really have got some solid leads on this - I should be able to clear people fairly quickly.
  11. Did he eckers like! I like old Skip and his tunes. But I'm afraid we've clocked him. Lying basta*d!
  12. I get way behind very quickly. I thought the pound was very strong against the dollar. Skip Mahoney said he'd work "over time, under time, any time, all the time" just for one minute of Janice's time. Don't believe him.
  13. I'm not saying it wasn;t a scottish flag Barry - far too early to rule that out! Just that the culprits were not the scotts lads.
  14. I have received three post code areas via pm - they are not from Stoke. I'm unable to say any more at the time.
  15. I'm as certain as my memory will allow that the banner appeared on Sams last night - I can't remember which year it was. I did think 81 - but someone said Sam went the year before? Anyway, the talk on the night was definitely aimed at Sam so it followed that the banner was aimed at him. Hence me and my mate Mick Bradbury from Boston at the time, doing the petition.
  16. You could be right mate - I can't remember the actual year. My information to date is taking me north of the midlands. The truth is always out there - I'm gonna nail the fookers.
  17. Yep bang on Barry - I forgot about old Dickie saying that!
  18. It's funny Steve - I too can remember it just like yesterday. I 've a few strong leads that I'm following up. Old Ironside is confident of nailing these fookers - it's just gonna take a little time.

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