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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. As has already been said it's a wicked piece of soul music.
  2. What is Pete? The production? Your two word one liner has thrown me!
  3. Err yah! I'll go very quietly.
  4. In business and at work you don't have to like people. However, promoters surely aren't going to book someone that they think is a fookin git. I think they are bound to let their personal feelings get in the way.
  5. Charlene Spiterri is totty of the highest order. I quite like the music of Texas too. Charlene has that special you know what. I fink I wub her.
  6. I like Jay Traynor - the lyrics tear at the old heart strings a bit don't they. Used to love dancing to this.
  7. Do you still love em? Each to their own I guess.
  8. I half take it back Pete. I just played it - no where near as bad as I remembered it. Lots better than some of the pop shite and instrumentals that have been mentioned.
  9. Yes it was on inferno. I had it - might still have it on some red and orangey label - I think. Definitely shite though. I remember my mum even saying it was a cheap Elvis mimic type piece of rubbish.
  10. It needs the Smiffy Carstairs treatment. In my honest opinion. A horrible, messy, noisy piece of whatever. I might just go and check the clip to remind myself just how bad it is.
  11. Forgot that Shop at Tesco Eddie! I always thought that Ral Donner was a bit Elvis like - and yes someone confirmed on another thread recently that he did actually do Elvis tribute gigs. Peter
  12. Tim Tam and fookin turn offs - top quality shite. That Manifesto shit as well - can't even remember it properly - summat of thyme summat. Fooking shit. Add that Ral Donner filth as well. Probably never that big - but shite.
  13. Yup. Have to agree. Some nice stuff listed there.
  14. I enjoyed it too Barry. Thanks to Steve for coming clean - when pushed! It was certainly a moment in "my time". Any other little mysteries, misdemeanours or plain bullshit you need investigating - remember Ironsides yer man.
  15. Apparently Steve at the time the banner thing happened Steve and his crew were attending funk do's in Manchester every thursday night. However, they thought that Wigan should be "funky" free - which included a lot of what Richard was playing, and obviously a lot of Sam's stuff. The banner was not specifically aimed at Sam but it would have been easy to assume this because of Sam getting the boot. I, myself, was one of those that thought this to be the case. I think Sam bore the brunt of the anti modern brigade and was a much easier target than Richard. Anyway - we've cleared it up! Nearly....................... Peter
  16. My investigations are almost complete - I have some very interesting facts, and I have names. This happened nearly 30 years ago yet it is still an emotive subject with lots of people. I did receive some pm's advising me to drop it. Like my namesake Ironside I proceeded - fearless to the end! So, who were the fookers that hung that banner? Because I was very much into Richard and Sam's modern tunes at the time this has felt a little like a personal crusade. So, after receiving tip off's and bit's of info from all over I was able to clear the stoke lads and the scottish crew. My investigation took me to the North West - Greater Manchester to start with. Further information then led me to Aspull, Hindley and Leigh. The so called banner was made in a bedroom. It was made from a tartan bed sheet and had white lettering. This was the only sheet the perpertrators mum would let him use - little fooker! The banner was made and the plot was discussed in the Cross Keys Pub in Hindley before the niter. There were five people involved. I even know that someone cracked a joke about blaming the Bay City Rollers id they got caught. I understand that up to Monday this week only the five people involved knew the whole story - other people had suspicions and odd bits of information. So - who are the fookers? I can name two of em today. The main man is Steve Johnston - he supplied the bed sheet. Next is fookin Bob Richards - known on here as ScallyBob - a right fookin scally too. The other three are not on here. One of em is a DJ. So there you go. It's taken a while - took me ages to break Steve "The Banner" Johnston. Once I had certain information he could do nothing but hold his hands up. You might have some questions for Stevie Baby? Ironside always get's his man - or fooker!

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