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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Thanks Mate. There are a couple of "incidents" I've been asked to "look" into. Can't say too much at the moment. Peter Poirot.
  2. You've got a good memory Malc! Hope yer ok fella. Peter
  3. I'm not sure Bob. Obviously we were knocking around at the same time. Met so many people over the years - spent much of the 80's on the dance floor and was one of the naughty boys . So sometimes I didn't speak so much cos I was the most paranoid fooker on the scene! Please to have touched base on here though - you scally fooker!
  4. Agree on this one Pete - it was shite.
  5. Cheers mate. Yep - thought I had a copy of the boot. Like you say very poor sound quality.
  6. Pete Was this rubbish ever booted?
  7. I've always liked this. I have a copy somewhere. This was booted wasn't it - pretty sure mine is a boot. Out of curiosity what's the orignial of this worth. Peter
  8. I wasn't implying anything Bob - I was simply pulling yer leg - we do it quite a bit on here. Peter
  9. Have you read this thread? Who said it was anything to do with Mick Bradbury? Mick was my mate at the time and I was there with him on this particular night - we went with Dave Raistrick and Figgy from Boston. The only person to mention Mick on this thread was me - and that was to say that him and I did the petition in support of Sam. The rest of your musings I agree with.
  10. Used to like Adams spots. Don't seem to recall this. Clip anyone? Thanks Peter
  11. Tony Basil is an awesome fookin record.
  12. Don't sell it him too cheap Smiffy - we all know what yer like!
  13. Fookin hell Paul - we've agreed on something for a change!
  14. Sounds like the dummies firmly out the pram! The talk about young people on the scene ruining it is limited to one or two people and the odd post - it's not something I see regularly. If you don't want to play with us anymore we'll understand.
  15. This isn't just soul - it's M and S soul.
  16. You are most welcome Dolly. Hope yer day picks up a bit. Peter
  17. Mines not an expensive record - but I was still pissed off! Bought a copy of Harold Melvins "Prayin" at a niter at Notts County Footy ground a few years ago. Walking over Lady Bay Bridge on my way home in the morning and for some reason I sort of flicked the cardboard sleeve. The fookin record shot out and frisbeed into the Trent.
  18. I thought his post was worthy of a reply - but couldn't think of one!

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