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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Not really a response to yer post mate - but the Contours is a wonderful track.
  2. What about the dogs Beeks? I thought we'd moved on.
  3. I don't like the term old skool. But anyway the thread is dead the thread is dead!
  4. I like that. Not much wrong with yer head mate. Err, well........................
  5. The thread is dead and done! Nice dog Pete.
  6. I would class those as modern oldies Pete.
  7. Yer taking the fooking piss now Beeksy old boy!
  8. Great record. Think someone on here was looking for one recently. Can't remember who though.
  9. We were trying to keep it fecking simple for old Beeks!
  10. That warm feeling will do the pluerisy no end of good mate.
  11. These two get played in Northern Rooms too - both anthems.
  12. There might even be a punch up over this one! Not to mention the Soul Police - they'll be crawling all over this thread!
  13. He wouldn't fooking know mate! He likes his "soulful" house too much!
  14. Aha! The old chestnut raises it's head once again! My personal definition of a modern oldie is seventies and eighties stuff that was played between 1978/9 through till the late 80's. But there will be many, many other definitions - depend who you speak to. Yer pay yer money and yer take yer pick! My mate Terry from Mablethorpe was chatting about you on the phone the other day!
  15. It's already been said I know - but the Sam Cooke is fooking awesome!
  16. Gav's been ill. I think semi rigid is all he could hope for at present!

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