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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Yah Beeks - where are your samples - examples even?
  2. Aha Mr Beeks Rarity is about - well err rarity! Doesn't have to be a thousand pound record. Lots and lots of records are "rarities" but aren't expensive. A bit of a poor response - but I'm rusty - and busy at work!
  3. That'a nice little piece of history Joe.
  4. There's a thread already running on this topic Graham.
  5. Malc. Yes - Esperanto, that was indeed a pile of steaming dog turd!
  6. Oh, yes, so it is. It was the reference to The Kid that through me!
  7. Fookin hell Kev! I shouldn't laugh but couldn't help it. My mam is dead too - and me fattther - so it's ok if I laugh. Anyone else think it's funny? You bastwards!
  8. Feel free Simon. Any chance of a mention!
  9. That's a fair enough post Simon. I would like to be as articulate as you - but I think Interplay and The Kid are fooking shite! Ordinary Joe is has been hammered over the years and has lost it's sparkle for me - but would prefer to hear this than those two old bits of kipper!
  10. Of all the miserable gits ............................................... You bastrads! Right, Paul - aka Sadsam dug this magazine out of his garage in Cambs. It's thirty years old. He placed it carefully in a cardboard, cylindrical receptical designed for posting items such as magazines or posters. He took it to the post office and posted it to me. I received said article and spent a considerable amount of time scanning the article into our computer system. After 27 attempts I managed to post it on here as a pdf file - no mean feat for someone of my very limited ability. Paul and I thought that this was worthy of a read - for lots of reasons. Probably one of the first of it's kind. There were names of people from Nottingham and the West Midlands. Some talk of different do's. What do we get? "It's fookin shite"! About ten people looked at it. Now I know I'm probably one of the biggest misery guts' on here - but surely it was worth a look. Does anyone know any of the names mentioned? Were you in Nottingham and on the scene in 1975? Do you know anything about this article? Anyone know anything about the magazine - called StreetLife? You might think that the actual article is shite - but surely some of those questions are worthy of a bit of discussion? Paul and I reckon yer can all fook off anyway! It's good to be back, real good!
  11. All that fooking trouble and you didn't even notice? The fookin pdf file! Only joking!
  12. Fcuk me I've done it! Only took me 27 attempts! Not been around much lately but will be back to my foul mouthed self before too long. Now fooo..................... It's good to be back.
  13. Sam - Sadsam on here, mentioned an article from an old music mag a few weeks ago. The mag was called Street Life and this particular edition was from 15th November 1975. I don't know too much about the mag but the article is an interesting read. I won't comment further just yet - so have a read and lets have some views. Thanks to Sam for lending me the mag. Just hope I can manage to post the article up properly now! Is_Northern_Soul_Dead_on_its_Feet.pdf
  14. I really don't see any point in this thread - unless you're going to be specific about people. Otherwise it just gives rise to rumour, speculation and bad feeling. The references to mental health are totally irelevant and inappropriate.
  15. Nice one Mark. I'll put twenty quid in too. Are you happy to hold the cash and get the record sorted? Peter
  16. Hi Gil How wonderful to have you on here personally! In fact wow. Rules is certainly a favourite of mine and has bought lots and lots of pleasure to people on packed dance floors over the years. Absolutely brilliant. How did you come accross this site and the huge fan base you have in the UK. Peter
  17. Also available for the odd bit of tarmac work, lead and copper theft and other misdemeanours in and around the Kent area. Sorry - Bearsy! Sorry mods - off topic again. I'll soon have no mates - Moggy's fooked me off............................................................................. ................................................................................. ...................................................................

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