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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I'm back - and getting hooked again!
  2. Oops! I started a new thread wanting some old Black Echoes mags - didn't see Andy's post on here. Should I delete my thread?
  3. Following on from the other mags thread has anyone got any old Black Echoes editions from the early 80's. Would be interested in purchasing them if they're cheap!
  4. LOMT rubbish! Break Away - Tony Basil, cracking tune!
  5. Yep I went to the dayers and nighters. Started in 78/9 I guess. I like all of the above - except, Cobblestone is shite! Mm, come to think of it I'm not sure that "is that you, that you baby" has any merit either. I did like it when everyone shoved there arms up in the chorus!
  6. That's a fair point. But, it's mass over exposure has ruined it for me. I can, I'm afraid, no longer stand it - it has been tainted. HHum
  7. Hi Roger I've not been on the site for a while and hope all is well with you. Great stuff from you as normal - fantastic scans and knowledge. All the best. Peter
  8. Does anyone actually like this still? Tin hat on, coat and gone!
  9. That's fighting talk Steve I may well have been influenced by the fact that it has been championed by Sam for years - maybe not. I just like it and the italian influence adds a little something. I have vague memories of Nev Wherry spinning this too - along side the likes of Arin Demain, although I might just be making that up. Any views?
  10. I prefer this version too - been shot down many times for having that view. The price seems to fluctuate enormously. I understand Sam bought his copy back from an italian dealer to play at the last Cleethorpes Winter Garden all dayer.
  11. The Guy and Keb ones will be interesting. I have to confess that I never really learnt to appreciate the "60's newies" offerings of the pair - in fact I despaired at them, really didn't like them at all. I guess there might be room for some debate there - although I'm pretty certain that we have done that one before. Interesting to hear some views though. I had a bad name for both Guy and Keb at the time - influenced by my take on their playlists.
  12. Had almost forgot that Bronner Brothers track! I've got that somewhere.
  13. The odd track was border line - even for a disco lad like mesen!
  14. Hi Chalky Thanks. Always appreciated Adams sets back in the day and just downoaded the first one - will get the second one now. Thanks again. Peter
  15. I was going to ask the same question Rob - but you have made the point with far more background knowledge. I listened to both tracks and just thought that's not the same geezer!
  16. Phyliss Hyman - I've fallen in love with her voice many many times. It was sad that she died so young.
  17. That's a nice bit of soul music. Don't think I've heard it before but it hits the spot for sure. Not sure about the last post - are you saying it's a boot? And as Shute asked - is it well known?
  18. ok mate thanks. It's a quality set you've put up.
  19. Nice one mate thanks. I can't see how to down load it?

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