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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I'm pleased I opened this thread now. Thanks everyone for the interesting contributions - lets keep it going.
  2. Mm, well done mate. That's a right old mix up of stuff - some really well known biggies but lots I don't know. Would like a copy mesen - and at least we know it exists!
  3. That's a very good point. I think I've looked for that cd in the past and never located it - but could be wrong. Was there a Vol 1?I know there were some funk cd's which Keb put out.
  4. Keb certainly has a passsion for the music. Absolutely no doubt about that.
  5. Which I guess is when Keb was well into his deep funk/soul days.
  6. There's something quite reassuring about the fact that you two can't remember either!
  7. Apologies Dave I didn't read the other thread in it's entirety
  8. Just saw Dave's post - are these current spins.
  9. Mm. This has just reminded me of the CD which Keb put together - lots of good stuff on it. It ends with the Del Larks.
  10. Thanks Cunnie, I'll try that later. Yep, Keb likes his language! Bit like mesen.
  11. There's another thread about Keb running - mainly covering his 60's stuff. I know Keb at one point was playing modern suff but strangely cannot remember seeing/hearing any of it. It's probably one of those blanked out memory moments! So, when Keb was in his modern moments what sort of stuff was he playing? Was he discovering new material, was it big ticket kind of stuff? I would be interested to hear your contributions and memories from back in the day. Cheers Peter
  12. Cheers Dave. I thought that was the case. It seems odd looking back that I don't recall hearing/seeing Keb play any modern stuff but know enough about him to know he did. Might start another thread?
  13. I don't think cloud mix allows you to down load stuff because it's a free application. Don't take my word for it though - I'm no expert. Nice stuff though Steve - thanks. Peter
  14. Not adding anything to the thead - sorry Pete, but just played Jackie Lee as a consequence of reading your thread. Forgot what a cracker it is - top drawer soul.
  15. Just listened to Ady's set - well balanced, well put together.
  16. I prefer the Yum Yums. The vocals sound really young and unadulterated.
  17. Hi Chalky I should have 40 early 80's editions winging there way to me. If there's any relevant ads in any of them I'll gladly do em for yer buddy.
  18. Not read all of this thread so apologies if I've missed it - but has this thread just been concerned with Kebs 60's and 60's newies stuff? Wasn't Keb originally a bit of a "modern" dj who sold up and then reinvented himself alongside Guy? Or is that rubbish. I do not recall ever hearing Keb play modern stuff.
  19. It was shite then, it's shite now and it will always be shite. But, yes, it was played. Along with a load of other shite at the time.

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