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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Put some 80's pics up quite a while ago now - mainly from Crofty's niters at the Winter Gardens - there might have been a few from Clifton Hall too. Worth a look if you've not seen em. Under Peters99 albums.
  2. There's a Jeremy Williams for sale on here somewhere buddy. Just checked it's andyk123
  3. Nice one Simon. You always make me smile. Seriously though you've some nice records mate. I will concede to not being a great fan of HDaT - as i said I do like the title of the record though. Best Peter - err, I mean Nice!
  4. Cheers Kev - not seen or even heard of that for donkey's years. I have to confess to liking the full title of the song more than the song itself!
  5. Ah. I thought it was a poncy wheel brace. Anyway, at least my ignorance has bumped the thread. Come on someone - buy it now, it's cheap, in smashing condition and will enhance your vinyl playing experience ten fold.
  6. What is track 28? Anyone got a clip?
  7. Don't be pedantic now! They might all be nice to you - some I liike some I'm not so keen on. Innit.
  8. Some nice stuff on that play list Simon.
  9. I've tried but I can't remember. I can remember me mates back in the day were into proper shite - Black Power, Barnaby Bye that Mickey Mouse shit thing. I pride myself on the fact that as a new boy on the soul block I even knew that those records were crap. I do remember having a stomp to So Is The Sun at Derby Assembly rooms all niter and the whole floor was bouncing. I probably knew then that I'd stick around for a bit of bouncy bouncy!
  10. It looks in smashing condition. What the feck is it?
  11. A long time to be pinned to anything.
  12. That fat fecking feline! You heard from him?
  13. Right on for darkness brother! Nice one Nev - always liked this.
  14. I don't like HA at all. What's your top current funky spin Mr Bearsy? Or is that a daft question.
  15. Thanks everyone. I've had my say which is fine - some may agree or some disagree, which is fine too. I shall now leave this thread - and the other one (after I've picked up any replies) to sunnier and more interesting threads on our great site.
  16. But that isn't it is it. This thread is entitled "Boot Leggers Fcuk Off" and there has been plenty of very, very angry posts citing that anyone who has anything to do with bootlegs, pressings and non OVO are the anti christ(s). 142 posts to be precise. Yet, we have another thread entitled "Carvers" where a well known person is selling stuff that could be described as dodgy and no one gives a fook. So, tell me. How's that work then. As I've said previously I don't care cos I'm bored with the whole subject - but the level of hypocracy is mind blowing.
  17. Yep. You're always going to get some of it. The thing that gets me though is all the effing and blinding about - people come across as being so angry and against it it's unbelievable hypocracy. As I said I don't really give two hoots cos it's now so boring. I wouldn't be surprised if someone has a go at me now for saying I don't give two hoots!
  18. My post from the carvers thread. "I'm not really into all this heated debate about OVO, boots, carvers etc. Mainly because it get's done to death on here and it is now probably one of the most tedious fecking topics on the site. But, what does intrigue me is that it appears that it's ok if some people are involved in some way and making a bit of cash out of it along the way - but not others. Why is that? Why hasn't this thread suddenly got a hundred or so vitriolic, foul mouthed rants about the seller who is clearly selling stuff that isn't legit? Or am I missing something. Like I said I'm not that interested either way but it smacks of hypocracy to me. If I've missed something I'm happy to hold my hands up and apologise - but I'm not sure that I have"
  19. I have just commented on this issue on the "Carver" thread. Why haven't all the outraged, vitriolic posters commented there? Don't get it. Sorry Chalky - it is sort of relevant - so I might cut and paste?

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