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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Nice tune - rarer than I knew/thought. But then again I don't know much.
  2. Ok mate - might be mixing it up with summat else. Recall stories of all the white label stuff and a dodgy green motown thing.
  3. Then crank the baby up! I'm not very techy really - have a really old set of technics seperates, amp, tuner, twin tape deck and turn table. Got a full size old phillips cd player on the bottom with two JVC speakers. Delivers some right fecking attitude and quality.
  4. Feck me! This is new to me too - I'm a wenker! LOL Sounds good blasting out of my system with some volume and bass. Peter
  5. Yeah, go for it Andy. Me front room is rocking to Gladys! Got me lap top wired into my technics amp!
  6. Been a few threads about this too. Interesting release - or not, plenty of boots around but only legit release on CD? I seem to recall thats the story. Just to confirm that the above is complete bollox - I was thinking of something else!
  7. Yep another belter Martyn. Great for the dance floor. Peter IYENS is smashing too.
  8. See, here we go again! Nope don't know this either Andy - it's good though and on the list. Cheers buddy. Peter
  9. I have to admit to being a bit of a Gladys under rater at one point - just stumbled across a lot of her great things by accident. I'm a convert now though.
  10. Sorry Paul - I did think about you at work and posted the artist! The title is.............. Make Your's a Happy Home Peter
  11. Not posted anything for a few days. Just loving this at the minute. Gladys Knight in stunning form. Peter
  12. Pete I had an Odd Fellows dvd from you I think - but not aware of the one above. I wouldn't mind a copy if you can still do em? Happy to cross yer palm with a bit of dollar! Let me know buddy. Peter
  13. Hi Martyn Known and liked this for years. Didn't know it was the Main Ingredient though. Nice one. Peter
  14. 1981? There's a good thread on here about the "Keep the faith not the funk banner" saga at Wigan. I know cos I started it! Peter
  15. Me too Barry. My understanding is that they are all legit. Some very differing prices on this. Great record by the way - have one in me box. Peter
  16. There are plenty of threads/posts on here about the differing presses.
  17. As has been said they are not gonna be like the old Soul Bowl packs are they. Surely they will have been picked through and contain next to nothing. Notwithstanding that if Ged booked one at over a grand then they probably do represent good value?
  18. Love this record. Reminds be of the brilliant Clifton Hall all niters and some great friends. A great Poke spin. Hope yer get one soon Mark. Peter
  19. Summat a bit different - I like it. Supremes and the Originals. Peter

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