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Article Comments posted by Peter99

  1. 7 hours ago, Steve G said:

    Here is what I printed in Blackbeat (July 82):

    "CURTIS ANDERSON was born in Baltimore, and at age 16 he became the music director of radio station WEBB, where he had started off as an errand boy at the James Brown owned station. He got to know James very well, and when a DJ didn't turn up one day, Brown suggested that Curtis take his show. Curtis went on to become program director of WEBB, WRDW, and WJBE, and is currently Programme Director of WINN in Baltimore. 

    According to the press review CURTIS is a very busy person, as indicated by the success of WWIN and his many real estate deals. He is a good planner, practical, and not afraid of hard work. He's the type of person who puts his cards on the table and aims for the top. CURTIS definitely likes to keep up to date on new developments in  the music field, and has brought a new pride to WWIN and Baltimore with the music he is playing. 

    Away from the promotional leaflet, here are some facts about CURTIS courtesy of IMPACT Pubs. 

    Date of Birth: 16-9-53, he's single, nicknamed Curtis or CA, is 5'11" and 192 lbs weight. His hobbies are ski-ing and home remodelling, his most memorable moment was recording his first album….

    Favourite artists: Quincy Jones, Manhattans, Patti label, James Ingram, Luther Vandross.

    Auto: Corvette

    Food: Anything, especially ice cream.

    Awards: Jack Gibson Program Director of the Year, Best Baltimore Radio Award".


    So there you have it. Looks like the album never made it out, so some unissued tracks somewhere.



    Great stuff Steve - thanks :hatsoff2:

    Just read the obituary too - sounds like he was a decent and kind man.


    Edit - absolutely loved How Can I Tell Her - one of those records that made the early 80's scene. Storming dance track - remember Hockie who was never a huge dancer, dancing to it at one nighter. Maybe Clifton Hall or Cleethorpes Winter Gardens. Great times indeed.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Winsford Soul said:

    Trying to post Lonnie Hill. Cold winter in the ghetto off you tube and I'm having problems. Could some kind person on here do it please. Don't know a better Christmas song .

    Hope everyone on here has a wonderful Christmas and a very soulful New Year


    Here you Steve :hatsoff2:



  3. This website has been a lot of fun for me, and I've learned a lot in the 7 years or so that I've been on here.  Too bad I was on the "wrong" NS website for 5-7 years before their demise and they only referred me to Soul-Source THEN.  Not that they didn't have a good site, I enjoyed my time there and learned some.  But this place had 10 times the traffic, and a lot more resources, and artists and DJs as posters.  I can't imagine this site stopping and changing to Facebook.  I hope that never happens.

    Hi Robb

    Lots of really interesting "freebasing" stuff too - cartoons, drawings and paintings. Loved some of your stuff.

    I hope all is well with you.


  4. It’s a shame you couldn’t somehow compile a ‘best of’ moments - An impossible task I think.


    In saying this, one comedy moment that stuck with me was a ‘toe and toe’ between Pete S (Or Pete 99) and Robbo K…..


    It was on a thread discussing The Superlatives, and that there was more than one group of the same name. It got a little heated, Robbo K stated that it was his picture of the said group that someone posted up etc etc - It came to a head with Pete S (or Pete 99) saying something like…….”Christ, are you a member of The Superiors?”…….(I thought that quite a cutting remark) But ‘quick as a flash’, Robbo K came back with……..”Which Superiors?”……Straight away, Pete came back with :hatsoff2:


    Stuff like that is priceless. Thanks from me to all those that take the time to contribute - Maybe not all posts work (Guilty as charged!) but so what - Keep em coming! :wink:


    All the best,


    Len :thumbsup:

    Hi Len

    A "best of" would be great and made me smile! Impossible of course. I remember a few years back we had a thread running where some of us were writing a story - post at a time and trying to keep it coherent - that was funny. There was Moggy, Bearsy other's and me. 

    I think the spat between RobbK regarding the Superlatives was PeteS. 

    Hope yer well boss.


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