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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I initially read that as "great on the gear"! I bought this cheap, on a lovely looking demo. The vinyl is really thin like those freebie records you used to get. Nothiong chesap about the quality - absolute beautiful soul record, with superb vocals.
  2. Sometimes attempting to over intellectualise things takes all the fun and mystique away. Innit.
  3. Nice one mate. Nat's is beautiful as you say. I thought you and Lexy's mum were sorted - from afar afield as I saw - on here, you seemed to have a great fit. She's a pretty girl too. I'm getting used to the fact that there wont be another "significant other" in my life, so I'm getting my Doberman rescue next week! Take care mate. Pete
  4. Ey up my mate. She's beautiful Sooty. Hope all is well boss. Pete
  5. I saw plenty of things at nighters (on bad nights) never a badger though.
  6. That's stunning Steve. Easily one of the best Badger cub photos I've ever seen. Well done mate. Pete
  7. Just found this picture of my new dog. This was when he first arrived - poor lad. Makes me more determined to give him the best life possible. https://www.facebook.com/DobermannRescueUK/videos/pcb.824459331081540/2117646848457105/?type=3&theater&ifg=1
  8. Thanks Dave Been to visit my boy again today - he's put on some needed weight and I'm sure he's taller too. He slipped his halter which makes him a little more manageable to walk - relying on the safety lease meant I kept hold of him but he almost dragged me two miles down the lane. He's a real strong boy now and I was knackered! He just needs to have some certainty in his life, and a constant companion to bond with. Considering how badly his first year and a bit of his life was he's amazingly affectionate. He's a stunning looking boy too now he's being fed properly. Loads of pictures to come. Pete
  9. Thank you so much - that's a lovely message. Pete
  10. Hi Steve I have spent too many years in a dark place of self imposed exclusiveness, loneliness, chronic depression and self neglect. My new pal and I are going to go places together, as a team. So many nice places to visit - I think I might come and visit you and Lou on your annual holiday next year! Peter and and my new besty.
  11. That's correct Steve. The rescue centre has Dobermans from all over the UK, but also from many other places, current dogs are from Spain, Crete, Romania, Poland and Russia. Most of the dogs, but not all, have docked tails, some of them have the cropped ears a well. Its a real coincidence - or perhaps not, that some of you may know that I spent seven years as a Director of a children's home in Romania. All of our children had significant disability issues, including learning difficulties, Downs Syndrome, and Cerebral Palsy. Sadly, the majority of disabled children in Romania were shunned by society, and ended up in "hospitals" and their lives were pretty horrendous. Things are improving slowly but there is much still to be done. The other coincidence is that my brothers new rescue dog that he adopted last year is from ..................................................Romania! I find that quite profound. Peter
  12. Hi Steve His name is Ace - and he is ace. Full of fun, a bit cheeky but very affectionate. He's a big strong lad now, but was bare bones when he arrived from Romania half starved. Its amazing how dogs can still be so loving when they've been treated so badly. I'm really excited about him coming home with me. Peter
  13. It's grim up north! Really enjoying these Derek. Pete
  14. Thanks Steve I know he's going to change my life, and I will change his. I'm really excited. I have the option to bring him to work with me and I've just taken delivery of a large stair gate to be fitted to my office door. Peter
  15. My new best mate is now officially my boy. He comes to live with me on the 10th of October. Ace.
  16. Been looking forward to this one for a few years now. I emailed something to Richard ages ago and he said a book was in the offing. Easily my best DJ from back in the day - the quality of his 60's and modern sets, and how he mixed them together, was something I'll never forget. Pete
  17. That's a nice gift from Lou Steve. Well deserved too, given the commitment you've put in to hone your photography skills. A professional such as yourself needs top gear like that. Keep on getting those fab photo's for us to enjoy. Pete
  18. Thats where the old boiler was Steve. Its just insulating material which is blocking a fair size hole in the wall which was left when the boiler was ripped out.
  19. I'm mainly doing the house for my new mate. I would be happy to wander round in a derelict house, pissed, for the not so see able future!

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