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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I'm probably way off the mark - which is ok, but Clifton Hall dance floor was pretty big back in the day. But so were Wagon Wheels and Curly Wurlys - and they seem very small these days. Peter
  2. Nice record. Quite a hard one I think. Hope you find one matey. P
  3. Beware if you're going to google this - one of the sites it directs you to will infect your machine with a powerful trojun virus. Luckily my machine has some robust anti virus protection via my work server. Peter
  4. Ay up Mr Bearsy You've been quietly building yersen a nice collection mate. Hope yer get em shifted and yer well buddy. Peter
  5. Damn, that's a mighty fine record our kid. New to me - great stuff Gary. Peter
  6. Got my own lap top back and raring to go! Been into the dirty box for this one - something from 1981. Has it ever had any decent recognition - not sure. Great lyrics and vocals and a nice record for a bit of a shuffle. The Temptations - Aiming at your Heart Peter
  7. Some nice stuff there buddy. Peter
  8. Interesting stuff Roburt - no need to get caught up in semantics, it's an enjoyable read. Thanks for posting/sharing. Peter
  9. Hi Andy This is nice - it's very familiar. Anyone else done it? I might have this somewhere. Peter
  10. Have you been drinking Kegsy old lad? The point I was trying to make was that it reminds of the Derby Assembly Rooms all niters in the late seventies. I don't think my post suggested that the record was released in, or not played prior to, 1979. Or did it? I have been drinking by the way because it's night time.
  11. Lots and lots - my first ever all niter Paul. That mid tempo melancholy still does it for me - and that wonderful voice of course. Hope you get one buddy. Peter
  12. Used to like hearing this played out back in the day. Remember Derby Assembly Rooms dance floor bouncing to this at the all niters in - err, probably 1979? Peter
  13. 70's soul - you know it makes sense Tony! Hope yer well buddy and good luck with the sales. Peter
  14. Yep, great tune. Everytime Gene Candlers name gets mentioned I have to name drop and say my mate played session drums for Gene. Peter
  15. Fecking hell Steve - your memory is worse than mine! LOL Peter
  16. I'm not sure about your post either Bob. Don't get it.
  17. My bloody lap top died on Saturday so I'm a bit hamstrung - borrowed this crappy lap top from the office but it's shite. It's slow and there;s hardly any sound - fcuk, sounds a bit like me! LOL Hopefully have my machine back tomorrow. Bugger - it's a lonely old world! Peter
  18. Briank appears to me to be a complete knob - just in my very simple and humblist opinion. Peter

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