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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Amazing photographs. Well done everyone. Peter
  2. Sincere apologies. I have only just seen and heard this sad news. I was only saying to a friend on Sunday about Chris's Motown trips in particular. I first met Chris after a Derby Assembly Rooms All Niter in Derby - 1979? Me and my mate were hitch hiking home and he picked us up in his Mercedes sports car - told my mate off for slamming the door too hard. Last caught up with him at Bretby, at his birthday bash. What a great loss, sincere condolences to his family and friends. Peter
  3. Hi Everyone Some amazing pictures - breath taking. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Peter
  4. I hope everyone has a blessed Christmas Time, and I wish all of you a healthy and happy New Year. Thanks to the King of Soul Source, Mike, for another year of holding it all together. With love. Peter
  5. Great thread and fantastic posts, pictures, memories and stories. I'm going to try and take a better look at this. Thanks everyone. Peter
  6. Very sad to hear this. Steve made lots of memories, good job lad. Condolences to family and friends. Peter
  7. 16 years! And I'm still Peter99 - not just Peter! 26th July 2006. Hope everyone is keeping safe and well. Peter
  8. Thanks Everyone I didn't expect so many nice comments - I feel buoyed by your kindness. I'm going to be working on my recovery, but will be lurking. A little bit of Soul Source to help the medicine go down. Hey Mike, did the original Peter ever log back on? I think I have been Peter99 for nearly ten years now! Peter
  9. Dear Soul Source Friends It's Peter - the 99. Just wanting to say hello, and to hope everyone is well and managing. I've been poorly, I'm still in recovery and being treated for a severe mental illness. I'm just putting it out there - take care of yourselves, mental illness is still very stigmatised, but it is real, and it is devastating. I've lost my job because I was too ill to work. I'm fortunate - the suicide rate in the UK is high. Its the biggest killer of men under the age of 24 - I think that's right. It could happen to you, or a relative or a friend. Please all try and keep in touch, look out for the signs of depression or anxiety in yourselves and others. Please try and find some help as soon as you can - it's really hard, took me 18 months. I lived in total isolation for a year, I didn't speak - I was, and I still am sometimes , totally dysfunctional. It impacted my brother and my friends. So, there you go. I don't know if this is ok Mike? Just wanting to raise awareness and to not be afraid to say I'm poorly. I'm not looking for anything other than to send a message. Thanks my soul brothers and sisters. Peter - of the 99
  10. Hi Gaz I paid £40 for a white demo recently. I was happy with that = great record. Peter
  11. I am so sorry to hear that. Always liked Winnie's posts on here. I think we were SS mods together on Current Affairs for a while. God Bless you Win. Peter
  12. Good luck with that one Darren Its a great record. I had it on wants for over a year on here and got one about six weeks ago. P
  13. I cant remember that Tony. Iconic record, in my top ten. Pete
  14. Ace and I having a lazy Sunday afternoon after a swim in the morning and a nice walk just after lunch.
  15. Was just looking at the credits on another 45 and was reminded of this. Love Starts After Dark by Gene Page. This had some plays in the early 80's - not a great record, but one that had me dancing back then. (although I( used to dance non stop all night) Anyone else remember this - any views?
  16. Wow! That’s a grande station. I hope it hasn’t been demolished, although I suspect I may be disappointed. Pete
  17. Again, not wild life, just wild. This picture portrays a nice, placid fellow. Believe you me, he is anything but! The second picture is to give you an idea of his size. Now he's being looked after properly, he has become the proverbial brick s**t house. I've never felt safer living on my own. Pete
  18. Thanks Steve The work I do really impacts upon your emotional well being - we see so much hardship day in and day out. Nonetheless, I remain driven by social injustice and inequality, kit is part of my faith to serve, and we get more success stories than failures. Happy Christmas to you and Lou. Pete .
  19. Thanks Graham It was a lovely way to finish the day on Christmas Eve. Me and Suzette, one of the ladies in the photograph, delivered them personally. The young family have a roof over this heads, albeit temporarily, and on a crime ridden estate full of drug dealers and users, sex workers and general criminal sorts. We also bought mum a couple of presents too. Our housing advice team will be working with the family in the New Year to try and sort out some permanent accommodation. Victims of domestic abuse. Happy Christmas everyone. Pete
  20. Not a wildlife picture so I hope it's ok. We've had a busy day helping clients with food, gas and electricity to see them over Christmas. We also had a single mum, living in temporary accommodation, who came to see us as her children didn't have any presents. Father Bridge and his Elves to the rescue!
  21. My new pal Ace would love it down there on the beach - me too!
  22. I've used up all of my likes - so I like that picture Tolbert. Is the sea trout fishing any good? A nice wild, eating fish - I wont buy farmed rubbish for lots of reasons. Pete
  23. I was a real late comer to the genius of GSH. Lovely choice mate. Pete

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