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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. There's a thread running on this already - apparently Ady's email account has been hacked. So its a wrong un! P
  2. It sure will Andreas. Anyone know who Mark Harrison is? Peter
  3. Tired out having just read this thread. I'm going for a lie down. Petre
  4. It's awesome Paul Probably harder than the Hesitations? Peter
  5. Good shout Mark. I'm enjoyng the book by the way. Peter
  6. Indeed it is. One of my offerings in the SS Record of the Day thread. Peter
  7. I only heard this the other night and I reckon it's awesome - thanks Mr Hampsey. Just bought mesen one. Barbara Mason - Don't Ever Go Away https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbPt1kz60eg Peter
  8. I know you're trying to be helpful Kev - but do bear in mind Swifty is from darkest Lincolnshire. It's all a little different over there. Peter
  9. I know what you mean mate. Don't forget to keep the windows open to entertain the crowds................ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfaed4wFAoE Peter
  10. Very nice too. I had started to wonder where you were! Had a few days off work too - planned a bit of a spring clean and stuff, but drank too much. Ah, well it's Friday. I can get pissed tonight, play some tunes and not feel bad about it! Peter
  11. Cheap too Swifty old lad. How are things in rural Lincolnshire? It's pissing down and miserable here - just like mesen. Peter
  12. This was an interesting thread too. Peter
  13. This was a decent set playing from LP's only. Peter
  14. Not according to some of our friends across the water LOL Peter
  15. Doesn't take much to make me laugh Steve. Particularly on a miserable, cold, wet June day in Nottiingham. It is still June isn't it? Peter
  16. Even Bobby's talents can't stretch to certain things!
  17. It's Wednesday now bugger off you southern softy! Peter
  18. Bit of an interview worth a read. https://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2013/jun/28/bobby-womack-glastonbury-size-stage-dont-matter Peter
  19. Bloody hell! That's buggered my offer of £50 quid for the lot Glyn. Peter
  20. Hi Liam Welcome to SS. Get yersen some 70's and modern and watch out for the soul police! Peter
  21. Ay up mate There's nowt wrong with them - oldies or not. I don't have many records left these days - theft, fire and an explosion along the way deleted many and I sold a lot too before I got seperated. I just pick up the odd one or two bits these days - mainly 70's and some albums. Bought a few 60's bits of late - mainly down/mid tempo stuff like Maxine Brown and the Freddie Hughes thing I posted - that sort of style. Also like newer stuff and have some 80's and 90's stuff kicking around too. Anyway, good that your back - nice to have you around buddy. Peter
  22. I don't know anything about the artist or the record - it's just one of those tunes, that, well, has that kind of something which you can't quite put a name to. Peter

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