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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Yes you're right Dobber. The Blue Sharks were on that LP, there were some great tracks on there. We've had some good threads on the Blue Sharks - very interesting who they actually were. I don't want to skew the thread, but, I seem to recall that the album was re-released, but that might be another comp album I'm thinking of. Martin B, (Soul Sam), I'm quite certain majored that one. I'll pm if you that's ok. So back to Silent Treatment. It seems as rare as it is superb. Peter
  2. Hi All Thanks for the contributions so far - Curtis, is obviously a favourite of lots of us. Like many black artists he died so young, just 57. The same age incidentally, that Prince passed away. Keep playing Curtis if that suits - but also who else have you been playing? Peter
  3. Has anyone been playing through any individual artists back catalogues? I've been playing my way through Curtis Mayfield's superb legacy. A very unique voice and style; too many great records to list. Way ahead of his time in my view - a pioneer of Drum and Bass? Another of my favourite artists - far more to Curtis than his oft played "Move on Up". I'll play just one, but you get the idea - I hope. From 1972, and his Super Fly album - sound track to the film of the same name. I think I embedded the wrong thing?
  4. Not much matches Bobby Womack; my favourite soul man, Bobby is King. I do however think Philip Mitchells version just shades Bobby. Philip Mitchell, is also a favourite of mine. So this is the record - Something for the Head.
  5. I've run out of likes - so, I like everyone's post. I hadn't heard a few of them. Please keep posting. It's also lovely to see so many of my SS friends posting. Thanks everyone. Peter
  6. Well it's nearly Christmas! So, what soul record reminds you of Christmas? The thread isn't going to be fussy, just a bit of fun - notwithstanding that Christmas can be a very difficult time for some people. You don't need to write an intro if that doesn't suit you - just posting your pick(s) would be great too. Picks don't need to be rare - just soulful. My first one - you can have more than one go, is from Edwin Starr. What a great vocalist he was. He also did a lot of work here in the UK, where he settled, with his wife, in Nottingham. I met him on a number of occasions. I think I recall Jools Holland saying that Edwin was the best vocalist that he had worked with live on his TV show. Edwin is buried in the same cemetery as my mum, who died in a fire on Boxing Day, a number of years ago now. (My mum not Edwin) I often think of Edwin's voice, singing to my mum through the warm breeze of the cemetery. So, here goes, with Edwin Starr, Love, (The lonely peoples prayer). Thanks everyone, and I'm wishing all of my SS friends, and everyone on the site, a Peaceful Christmas. Peter, err, 99. Mm, I hope this file download has worked - I'm rusty.
  7. Thanks for digging that out Mr Chalkster! Peter
  8. This is an absolute stonker of a record - I've never heard the flip. The name of the artist(s) is enough to whet one's appetite. Probably another of my top ten oldies. I wouldn't be able to make a good call in terms of who and where this was first played. My best attempt would be one of Richard's 60's newies, circa, 1979/80. Can anyone put me to the sword and provide a better answer than mine please. There are so many great records that have been posted I'm sort of working backwards and forwards. Peter
  9. Just a shout for all the new members - our family is growing. Welcome to Soul Source, I look forward to scrolling through and seeing who is who. Peter, err, 99.
  10. Well, I think I deserve at least one thumbs up for shouting out that Nev and Martin (B) both had and played this out! It was nearly 50 years ago, I was only ten. Seriously, it's definitely in my top ten sounds. Any more memories, views or information would be very appreciated. Thanks Peter
  11. Dear Tony I can't seem to get my likes to work; I'll have a chat with the boss later. Anyway, I like the sentiments in your post. It's a great thread - lots of new things for me, and for many others I suspect. Thanks for taking the time. Your mate. Peter
  12. Thanks Hippo. My memory; for once, seems to serve me well. I think it was 1979 when I first heard. I've run out of likes for today, so, I like your response. Thanks mate. Peter
  13. I think the days of the 100 mile an hour stompers also waned in favour of a more mid tempo, even slower style. For me the 80's was a great time musically. Richard, in my opinion, put together some hitherto unbeaten sets; seamlessly mixing some extremely good 60's (newies), along side some amazing 70's records; lots of which were expensive for the time, and very collectible today. Richard, and Martin B certainly turned me to the dark side. Just my humble opinion. Peter
  14. Thanks Gary What a record to have in your collection. Superb record, a minter too. Peter
  15. Not me Hippo - I don't collect anymore, and actually gave my last collection away; but I always got carried away, and rarely stuck to my budget. Back in the day I don't think many of us had too much cash to spare. I wasn't collecting at the time you visited Johnny's goldmine. Peter
  16. Always a favourite record of mine; never been near one in any of my collections. I'm trying to recall who I've heard spin this, many years ago. Could it have been Nev Wherry or Soul Sam? Its a superb soul record - I'm even very fond of the unusual name of the artist; Arin Demain. Does anyone know the price the record achieved in the two recent auctions? Thank you. Peter
  17. I'm pleased you have found one. As you say it has been debated on here a few times previously, but that matters not. The original release is a tough one - it has been for many years now. One of the best early 80's modern soul dance records, and one of those that stand the test of time. It still sounds great to me and I just danced around the kitchen to it. You have good taste Timbo. Best wishes. Peter
  18. Well, not a great photo, and certainly in no way as amazing as the other contributions. But, nonetheless, it is a photo. Here's my constant companion Ace, my rescue dog, and me. I've had him for five years now, and he's a real challenge still. This one was taken in the summer, just in the back garden. I still hadn't been out of the house much for over two years. I'm starting to venture out now, and drove for the first time since December 2020 recently. .
  19. I'm just catching up on this thread and have already run out of likes. So, thank you for all the contributions - lots from some of my SS friends, the whole thread is fantastic. This thread has been running for a few years now and I'm very pleased to return to see some stunning photographs. Peter
  20. Dear SS brothers and sisters. Apologies for the self indulgence. This is the new look me - I've lost weight and trying a beard for the first time in my life! Out of courtesy here is the link to Jerry's song - a great soul record. https://youtu.be/BT-G4aQgqHM Click here to choose files to upload
  21. I'm pleased Dean's shows still going - well done mate, great job. Tat's always plays some nice tunes, with great humility. Thanks guys. Peter
  22. Some very nice records posted up. Well done everyone. Bobby Hutton - Come See............c/w Loving you.......... I'm sure that's a double sider. I had one until I gave my collection away. Peter
  23. Well, I think you maybe quite correct in your assertion regarding the usual practice of 45's being double sided. Apart from that your post is rather unpleasant, and particularly mean to Tony, the thread starter. There are some very good posts on this topic already; keep em coming SS'ers. Peter
  24. Thanks Chalky Sir Dickie in his pomp - kicking off with Vickie Baines. Quality. Thanks mate. Peter

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