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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I don't know how rare/hard this one is, I never heard it played by many DJ's, but, what I do know for sure, (as a former dancer), is that it is a stonker of a dance record. Flight - Playing Your Games.
  2. Welcome to Soul Source Shinyshoes. You'll like it here. Peter
  3. Payback is simmering along nicely. The first telly I've watched for a few years and has me well and truly hooked in. Good shout Simon. Alex is also my new love fest. There must be just Mike, you, and I watching tv. No other recommendations SS-'ers? Peter
  4. Cheers Mark Great playlist - right up my old fashioned street. Well done mate. I'll certainly have a listen. Peter
  5. Good posts Malc, and everyone else. I've run out of likes. As you say, lots of the Daybreak record about - £10 a copy back in the day. Still a lovely record, I first heard this played by Richard S at Wigan, circa 1981 - one of his 60's newies/modern sets. It was still covered up as Tyrone Davis, those Sir Dickie sets at the time remain unbeatable for me. Peter
  6. I don't think many people have one of these - absolute stonker of a dance record. I think a Martin B play, but what do I know. Shabang!
  7. Hi Mark Did you sell one of these a few years back - well, could be ten years now? Cheers, Peter
  8. Salad Man Can we just post up our favourites - if we think they're worth an airing. I'll remove this post if not mate.
  9. Hi Roburt ZZ and Co and Tony Fox are two of my favourites. I used to play Getting Ready for the Get Down every time I was getting ready to go to an all nighter, much to the annoyance of my mum, "Haven't you got anything else to play". It still does if for me. I think Tony Fox was thought to be an LP only track - then someone found the 45. I think that's a tough one. Daybreak, Pages, the Flight ........................ Peter This could be a good thread.
  10. It's pouring with rain, need something to brighten up the day - this one has been amusing me over the last few days - from Arthur Alexander. Better known for his Monument recording I Need You Baby. On a podcast from Sean Hampsey, with Tats Taylor, Tats said the I Need You Baby outing was his favourite soul record. Tastes change, I wonder if Tat's has. Anyway, I'm rambling. This makes me smile. Peter
  11. Happy New Year everyone. Me, and him.
  12. Hi Robb Butch (MD) aka Neckender, posted the other day.
  13. Hi Simon How are you? Lots of things that are right up my street there. I've not watched telly for over two years, and have only recently got my old set working. Thanks Peter
  14. Hi Jimmy Welcome to SS I've just been flicking through this thread. What a fantastic first post on SS - it has generated some amazing information and responses - with photographs too! This is what SS is all about (imo), I'll bookmark this for a proper read. Thanks for posting and sharing. All the best. Peter Edit - Apologies Jimmy for the late welcome, I've just seen your first post was back in 2021.
  15. In Yorkshire or even perhaps Lancashire(?), Yorkshire Pudding was traditionally had as a starter, it helped to fill a bit of empty tummy, so that the main dinner could be a little more thrifty. I don't know if that still happens today as more of a proper tradition. I think my words may be a bit clumsy there, but I'm sure you'll understand what I mean. Tin hat on from some of my Yorkshire soul friends, and there are absolutely loads of em in Yorkshire - soul people I mean. Peter
  16. A tip for your yorkies. You must have the oil/lard (does anyone use lard today - could be another thread), in your baking tray bubbling hot, straight back into a searingly hot oven. Don't open the oven again until they're done. Sit back, and watch em rise. Peter
  17. Thanks Roburt That's a lovely story. It must have been a very humbling hour, how insightful. Thank you for sharing that, I love learning new things about artists and their music from SS friends. It's one of the great things about SS. Thanks again. Peter
  18. Mm, I bet that works. I will give that a go my friend. Peter
  19. Happy Christmas Mike, SS Team and all of your families. Keep each other safe. A big thank you from me, for keeping the site going; from strength to strength. It's been a personal, very soulful joy to have been able to return to such a site. Peter
  20. Very sad news indeed. Condolences to Max's family, and his close friends. As has been said already, Max had great taste in music, and I picked up lots of things from him, and some of the columns that he used to pen. Lots of respect. Peter
  21. Great thread, some interesting replies, and lots of fun! Well done everyone. I'm originally from Lincolnshire, brought up in Mablethorpe (but that is not to be repeated), although I have lived in Nottingham for over 30 years now. My mum was originally a Londoner, and introduced us to both Bread Sauce and Onion Sauce. I love both of them. Both my brother and his wife are chefs (my brother does other work now), they know of both from a professional point of view, and my brother would have had it as a child along with me. They really can't be bothered with either nowadays but will make it especially for me if I'm at their house (because I'm special). So, enough of my rambling; I love bread Sauce on my dinner(s), hot, and has already been mentioned, when cold, it makes a turkey and stuffing sandwich extra special. Happy Christmas you saucy lot. Peter
  22. Other copies I've had............................... You're a lucky man Gary. A lovely record once, but to have had a few through your hands. Well done my friend, good hunting. All the best. Peter
  23. Here's just one more from me - I don't want to hog my own thread. Another great soul man, writer, (for many well known soul artists, producer, and performer. Mr George Jackson, he's so cool (even though he's no longer with us. I think I'm right in saying that his "highlight" on the actual all niter scene was early 80's, with a Little Extra Stroke. As is often the case DJ's often went for the "danceable", over the quality of the artists output. (Quite Understandable) Here's a very clever record lyrically, which I believe manages to include a number of records he wrote for other artists - many of whom are favourites of mine - ours(?). As always I'm happy to be corrected.

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