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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I think that's a fair assessment Baz, and probably just about where I am, as an old man who started my journey with the music since I was a youngster, attending my first all niter in 1978. Of course many people were involved much earlier than I. Your comment regarding Otis Clay particularly resonates with me; I was only speaking about hm and his wonderful musical legacy yesterday. In fact I shared one of his tracks which was posted on a thread here with my friend Preacher Man, a retired Church Pastor. (My nickname for my friend taken from a number of great soul records). My final point would just be to say that there are of course a number of "big name", long time stalwarts of the scene, who make a living out of trying to recreate the "speed rinsed coolness we we’re brought up with". It just can't be done. Regards Peter
  2. That's a really good shout mate, thank you. I watched the first series last night. Peter
  3. World Cinema throws up a whole new experience in film viewing, as has been said my fellow SS'ers above. I think the French stuff is my favourite - it's just a really different experience. I don't have the right words or terminology, and I'm not as learnED as some of the other posters, but to me it's just more true to life, the characters aren't always glamorous, for example female actors are often sweaty, no perfect teeth, they're just real. That's not a great example from me, but you know what I mean. I've seen some amazing Belgian, Dutch, African stuff, along with my love of French produced stuff. I wonder whether World Cinema should have it's own thread - particularly as not everyone is a fan. Lots of people can't get past the subtitles. What does everyone else think? Mike, it's your shout, what do you think - we could include Welsh stuff! Peter
  4. Hey Steve Happy Birthday my friend. All the best. Peter
  5. That Sir is a very good shout. I watched those, the female cop is Brilliant series. Peter
  6. He's nearly as bad as you Simon. Daniel Auteuil is probably my favourite French actor. He's made some brilliant movies, I'll post 36th Precinct this time. If you haven't seen it I'm happy to recommend it. Check out his other stuff too. Le genre cinématographique français is where it's at - it's just very different to UK/American stuff. Trempez vos orteils dedans. Pierre
  7. French films and programmes are extremely good - I think they're filmed and staged very differently. Well, I like them. Has Mesrine been mentioned previously? Part one and two are very good viewing imo. I might watch them again this weekend if nothing else comes up. Watch out for his other films too - I'll post another up another time. Mesrine Part 1: Killer Instinct (2008) - IMDb
  8. I have to confess that I didn't know too much about Winston William's, apart from his KWF connection. The obvious connection is Chris King, however, Winston merits his own mention on here, he achieved a great deal and worked with many artists known to us. I hope the link works. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/entertainment/music/nottingham-chart-topper-kws-winston-williams-dies-after-a-music-filled-life/ar-BB1hhmgt?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=a310367aac58454da0af56944c5503cd&ei=35 With respect. Peter
  9. Well having not watched any telly for nearly three years, due to my mentalist issues (), I have been royally spoilt. The first episode of Crime was brilliant watching; for some reason I just couldn't get on with the second episode. I just found the ex police officer, trans character, a little hard to believe. Probably just me. Then, I was once again enthralled by the two series of Fin, the Dublin based gangster story. A brilliant cast, some brilliant acting and a great story line. I hope they make a third series - I think the story line is open enough to make a third. Thanks for the heads up on these two. I spent the last two nights scrolling through loads of stuff - I eventually gave up and took the beast out for a walk. That in itself is thrilling, anxiety inducing. So, if any of the thread contributors have anything like the above two I would appreciate a tip or two. I may have to try Reacher tonight, that has had some recommendations on here. Thanks everyone, keep on viewing and keep the tips coming. Peter (I was tempted to use my 99 tag name; but I'm not sure if I still am Peter99 or just Peter, it's been some years now - I think over 15)
  10. You copied that post from Paul. Peter
  11. Yes, sad news indeed. I bought the album you shared when it was released at the time; for the same track. It was an Adam spin as well - Notts Odd Fellows all niters in Leicester. Peter
  12. I hope Russ is ok. His Show Us Your Great Photo's has been a stalwart SS freebasing thread for a number of years now and has featured some fantastic contributions. From stunning wildlife captures, to beautiful landscape and city photographs, portraits and everything in between. Many of the photographs are of professional quality and would not be out of place gracing the pages of high quality specialist publications. Check in Russ if you can - you are being missed. Peter
  13. Mm, I'm a thick lad; I don't even know what a trope is Paul. Peter
  14. That's sacrilege - they can play The Snake all day long; but Curtis? I get mixed up; there seems to be loads of different blonde women singing and dancing to "Northern Soul". There's the woman who sings to a backing track, I think her first video was Judy Street. Is that a different woman. It doesn't really matter to me, I don't take any of them seriously; but, if they're having fun and enjoying themselves then I guess that's all that matters. I wonder if there are any brunettes.
  15. I'm confused now - is Season 2 available to watch now? The weekender was going to be on at my house, I might have to slim it down now, just an all niter. You could have come along to watch, share my chocolate stash with me and Ace, my Dobermann. He's mellowed a little now, and does share; a bit. Peter
  16. I'll be on a weekender! It's a good job I just bought chunky kit kats caramel, smarties, and two bars of Morrisons own brand milk chocolate with hazelnuts. (which is cheap). Sorted. Peter
  17. Hi Rick I hope you're well my friend. I can't answer your question, but didn't that "If it don't fit............", chart over here at the time - or was that a cover, or neither? Peter
  18. Wow Wee! Just look at that. I seem to recall that you were interested in Black American Civil Rights, something I share an interest in. (Personal Note) My memory is rubbish, but I know you had a book published some time ago, it wasn't regarding this topic, but about artists from a particular area of the US (I think). I did buy a copy at the time and must have it somewhere. You have patience, skill, and great interests. Well done mate. That is an amazing post, thank you for sharing. Peter
  19. Just a couple of points; Mr Thorley would know what was for what down in Bristol years ago; he has the accent to prove it. How are you Dave? I made the coach trip to Yate back in the day - just the once. It's one mighty trek from deepest Lincolnshire (Mablethorpe), I was very ill on the journey home. I also saw a number of artists at Hinckley Leisure Centre - Eddie Holman and Edwin S included. Hinckley Leisure Centre was demolished some years ago. My friend is a Director at Hinckley and Bosworth District Council, she had the responsibility for overseeing that. I did have some discussions with her and the Chief Exec at the time regarding the significant Northern Soul cultural heritage of the venue, with a view to finding a way to acknowledge that in some way which didn't come to anything. I shared some memories, including the many USA soul artists who starred their. I'm not sure if Edwin Starr had relocated to England at the time. Edwin lived in Nottingham, until his death. I met him quite a few times, very nice man, amazing voice. He shares the same crematorium as my mum, which I've mentioned many times on SS over the years. Jules Holland, a man who knows his music, imo, once said that Edwin was the best live vocalist that he'd ever hosted on his show. I hope I haven't gone off topic. Peter
  20. Kin, Dublin Gangster series, a Mike recommendation, is great. Some strong performances from an extremely well cast group of actors. I'll finish this tonight, BBC1 catch up. Peter
  21. Happy Birthday Chris My memory fails me, but is Chris Ashby the Chris I remember from the 80's, Sheepskin Coat Chris? It matters not if I am mistaken, it's Happy Birthday anyway. Peter
  22. Just finished the first series of Crime - a Simon tip. I really enjoyed this, gets better episode by episode, lots of stuff happening and some great performances from the cast. Recommended. Peter
  23. Sweet Pearl is a lovely track Malc. My memory seems to recall some nice tracks by a group Black Pearl, but I could be mistaken there. Peter

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