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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Hi Paul Yep, I could change it but Peter is already taken. I don't think I have ever seen a post from a Peter so its probably an inactive account. I know Mike is working his way through them so one day.................................... Peter
  2. Actually my real name is Nice. Nice
  3. Wow! That's some list Mark. Someone on here at the weekend looking for an E J Rice but he indicated that he wanted a cheap one - I don't think there are any! Anyway may be worth a pm? Good luck with the sale. Peter
  4. Is FB an acronym for F*****g B*****d? Peter99
  5. I'm happy enough. Wish I could drop the 99 out of my user name - I'm Peter, just the one. I am a human being - not an ice cream. Peter
  6. Yep meant to say seller - my mistake. Anyway, I'm off to watch Justified and to finish my Rioja.
  7. Not sure that I've ever questioned your feedback as a buyer have I? Is that a bit of swerve ball there mate? Anyway, I've said my bit - I certainly don't wish to fall out with you or anyone else. Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that I've bought bits from you in the past - way before SS or FB existed. Had no problem then and I sure ain't got one now. All the best Rod. Peter
  8. Evening Rod You occasionally and quite rightly moderate some of my posts - mainly in freebasing, usually with a voice of reason. On this occasion I hope you don't mind me pointing out the "I once bid" bit of your post. I suspect in any business that there will always be a mistake or a problem - one swallow does not a summer make though does it? I don't know Johnny Manship that well - however, I've always received a first class service when buying from him and I've always found him pleasant on the odd occasion that I've spoken to him. Cheers Peter
  9. Some nice stuff there mate. Someone needs to buy that ex Chimes at £15. Peter
  10. No worries Bob - just lost a bit in translation! Peter
  11. I think Gibby was saying that it "looks" in great condition - apart from the crack. Peter
  12. Hi Heikki I hope you are well Sir. Another really interesting post. Thanks for sharing. Peter
  13. Depends on your definition of cheap doesn't it. Peter
  14. Nice one Steve Pretty majestic aren't they. Peter
  15. Nice prices on them Kev. Peter
  16. Thanks Nev Found it now mate. Some nice tracks on the podcast - right up my street. Peter
  17. Doh! Yes track list - don't know where place list came from! Great I'll go and have a look - I couldn't find it earlier. Thanks P

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