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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Mid tempo is the way forward mate.
  2. I think it's a stunning soul record T and I hope you get one for your birthday. Peter
  3. Yep been looking for one myself - as both of you to know! Regards Peter
  4. I know I'm a bit slow but..........................
  5. Great stuff. Those seals must have lots of contact with humans. They have a bite worse than a Rottweiler! Has anyone ever been to Donna Nook near Mablethorpe? In November/December and January there is one of the biggest birthing colonies of Grey Seals in Europe. It's an amazing experience. You must know it Sooty - down the road from your old stomping ground. You can see males fighting for dominance - something akin to David Attenborough real wild life. It's even more so amazing as the site is an active RAF bombing range. Peter
  6. Intriguing Sooty - but yer link doesn't work! Peter
  7. Never heard this side Ted. It's the one for me. Peter
  8. I suspect that at least one of them has at least one. Could be totally wrong of course but there are some out there. P
  9. Some one has them Bazza. Nice record. You wrong un! Peter
  10. I'd be happy to chip in. Let me know. Peter
  11. You missed the "c" out! Johnny Manship has one on his site for £75.
  12. It's ok Dave. However it turns out every time I look at it I always think of Little Smith - and that makes me happy or sad depending upon my mood.
  13. When Little Smith died my neighbour gave me what was akin to a twig in a bucket. Pretty sure it was a sycamore so I planted that with the thought of keeping it really small like a bonsai. It reached about ten feet tall this year so I recently cut that right back. It's obviously called Smiths Tree - I'll try and take a photo on my phone and see if I can post it up. Reminder to self - must get my arse in gear and sort out a camera. Little Smith was my old cat. I had him for 18 years and he has been the most consistent thing I've ever had in my life. I miss him lots. Peter
  14. Looks like a Bay to me Steve. But I know nowt!
  15. I understand that very well Gary. It really is nasty. Peter
  16. No problem Mick. I think there are some other threads too - but I'll never remember which one's I've linked now! If you go into the Look At Your Box forum you could try another search in there. Great record by the way - easily my favourite Motown track. All the best mate. Peter
  17. Sorry to hear this. Having your house broken into is extremely unpleasant and goes way beyond the loss of anything that is stolen. I've been broken into twice and it leaves a nasty scar I can tell you. I hope you get your records back Gary. All the best. Peter
  18. Hi Mick These previous threads may be of interest: +the +originals Peter
  19. Great tune mate. Kick the pair of em out!
  20. Cheers Kev As we've said more than once, on more than one thread, you don't have to spend huge sums of money to be able to buy top drawer soul music. Peter

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