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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. Hi Simon You just made me watch that again! I don't know the answer to your questions; other than I'm pretty certain it wasn't the beginning of the end. Another question, and I might have known this at one point but forgotten; who was the geezer who was the main protagonist? Blue jumper and white shirt? Peter
  2. Welcome to the site Mr Boooooogaloooooodude. May the Soul Source be with you. Peter
  3. Somewhere, I have a carrier bag of old home made recordings on cassette tape. If I can find them - and there's absolutely no guarantee of that, I will gladly package them up and send them to you; I wouldn't want any thing for them. I'll have a dig through my old junk room at the weekend. Peter
  4. There's a member on Soul Source who made loads of live all niter cassette tape recordings back in the day. He seemed inseparable from his fantastic twin deck monster recording machine as I regularly eyed him from the dancefloor at many all niters. I will leave it to them to reveal themselves if they so wish. Peter
  5. Mm, for a while at primary school I was nicknamed Decimal Davey (Davey being my surname), as the switch to decimal was the 15th February 1971. My birthday being the 15th Feb. I was known as a lot of other names over the years but that is for a completely different thread. I hope you're well Rick. Peter
  6. In the absence of any new posts I will try and post this. The same health warning which comes with all of my photo's and posts on this thread; none of them can match the quality of our more skilful contributors. Peter WhatsApp Video 2024-03-04 at 01.47.40_7e8a5b20.mp4
  7. Cracking work Chalky - you're the man. There's Arin Demain on one of the sales list - wow. Great read and just on issue 1. Thanks for doing this mate, a labour of love, you're one of the members on here that helps keep the site rolling. A big round of applause everyone for Mr Chalkmeister. Peter
  8. Darren Brown and Dean Anderson are decent people to deal with. They both post on here. Peter
  9. I started Good Morning Veronica first season the other night. Great acting and characters, great back drop in Sao Paulo; it looks like a beautiful city. The story is playing out very well indeed; it's dark. Highly recommended so far. Peter ps; keep them tips coming.
  10. Good shout Kev. I've seen that and it is very good. Peter
  11. Hi Mark I hope you are very well. Certainly of interest to me. Your projects are an extremely important, and relevant, part of our music. The history and the stories that inform your work are also crucial in respect of the struggles of our black African American brothers and sisters. Very inspirational Mark, well done, such a huge amount of work; it's a shame that more people don't appear to visit your posts. A big thank you for continuing to help inform and educate us. Best wishes. Peter
  12. "Whilst the nights aren't known for their heavy drinking". That's written as if it's a bad thing. Interestingly, there never seems to be any mention or discussion about the heavy d**g taking, which was of course as much of the original scene as the music; to most. Now, whether that's a good thing or not is debateable, what isn't debateable is it's authenticity. KTF Peter
  13. Not really my cup of tea Mike; but, I've been scrolling channels all week trying to find something, so I'll have a look tonight. The German thriller I mentioned a few posts back is a cracker. (imo) Peter
  14. Hi Steve Good to hear both Malc and Sean are ok. How are you keeping; still have your hand in any way? Thanks for the update. Peter
  15. Malc used to post on here, quite a while ago now; but haven't heard him from anything from him on here or heard anything about him for ages. Decent man, friendly, very kind. I know Sean Hampsey was in touch with him regularly, but I've not heard or seen Sean for ages either? Peter
  16. Bless you my Brother Thanks Graham, I appreciate that. I hope things are well with you. Your friend. Peter
  17. Evening All Preacher Man, my friend, real name Paul, who is a retired Church Pastor, has a passing interest in our scene and music. (I talk to him quite about it) I send him bits and bobs including different records. I sent him Kenny Smith - Oh Lord................. Anyway he quite likes the record, aside from the obvious connection, and wanted to know all of the lyrics. I know quite a few of them having danced and listened to it for nigh on 50 years, but I don't know the lot. Anyone have a full set of lyrics please? Thanks. Peter
  18. I look like a bag of flour!
  19. Thanks chaps I'll have to try and find that later and give it a go. Peter
  20. Hi Mark I hope you are keeping well. What a good thread, I hope we get lots of contributions. Regards Peter
  21. Looking for a Friday night show to go with your dinner? I binge watched this little gem last night, and can recommend it highly. A German psychological thriller, dark and moody, with some really good character pieces - including the children. Give it a go................ Dear Child, Original title: Liebes Kind TV Mini Series 2023 - 4hours and 46 mins. IMDB 7.3 Peter
  22. Great thread; very interesting, even if it has been done in part previously. Thanks for all the contributions from people in the know. Peter
  23. I've run out of likes already! But, I like this very much, great pictures. Peter
  24. Thanks for all the posts thus far; I've run out of likes, but I like everything that's been posted. Some really interesting picks/views and information. Great stuff. Peter

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