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Everything posted by Peter99

  1. I'm struggling to get past the very cheesy/tongue in cheek beginning - switched over half way through Sylvester being in the cannabis shop when he arrives in Tulsa right at the start. Does it get any better? Peter
  2. If you enjoy drug/gang type things then I can highly recommend Power Book IV: Force. It's really good. Peter
  3. As per usual the quality of my picture isn't great; just taken with my iphone. But, nonetheless here's a picture of one of my sunflowers with a busy bee, taken in yesterday's afternoon sunshine.
  4. @Mike Will assist mate. I often remember old threads but I also often not to remember quite enough detail to locate it. I hope you're well my friend; and that of course, you find the thread you're looking for. Peter
  5. That's some recommendation. Definitely on my watch list for when my powers of concentration and interest return. Peter
  6. Yes it's the real one. Peter
  7. You really do need to ask yourself; why?
  8. He's knocked £50,000 off. Times must be hard. Surely the kudos, or whatever else it was, of owning this record must have gone ages ago. With normal people. Peter
  9. It's probably gonna run and run this one. Decent dance floor reaction. It's not really my bag at all - could be a white singer. Whatever happened to James Trouble? He seemed to have appeared on the scene, got loads of trouble, and then disappeared. That of course is an entirely different thread. Peter
  10. The Stephen McCauley Show - Northern Soul – Keep The Faith - BBC Sounds. Ulster Radio. Has this been posted - not listened to it, a friend just sent it. I can't get the link to work. Peter
  11. That's a very cool video - nice jazzy version. Being an old stick in the mud it would take something to steer me away from Mr Floods party - superb dance track. That's the one I was brought up on. Peter
  12. I'll have to look out for that - Bobby Hutton has a huge treasure trove of material. Good sleeve notes too. A must buy for many. He has a fantastic namesake - Bobby the treasurer of the Black Panthers at 16. He died as a hero of the black American rights struggle. I have a great original, framed photograph of him. Two greats, one name. Peter
  13. That's some list of great records. Thanks for sharing Mark, top man. Peter
  14. My very tall Sunflower has just the one bloom which has opened today. It's a rubbish photograph; but the plant is tall! It's just about reaching the branches of the Mock Cherry tree in next doors drive - should I try and climb it tonight. Could there be a crock of gold up there?
  15. Even in modern times the people of the old eastern bloc suffered a great deal under the old communist regimes. I've spent time in Romania, was an unpaid Director of a childrens orphanage for a while, and as an aside to that work I learnt a great deal from my Romanian friends. Romania is a stunning country. Some of you will have seen the video we produced back in 2009 I think. I'm one of the lead protagonists in our infamous annual Lupta cu apa! I always let Costica win - you can see me with the hose pipe!
  16. Hi Chris I hope you're ok my friend. The pull of the memorable aura of Wigan Casino. I was very young too but went a few times. The magic for me was Richard's mixed sets - his 81 60's, 70's and 80's have stood the test of time for me; never been beaten. I also recall the "Keep the Faith not the Funk" banner, and the backlash aimed at Soul Sam, who never appeared again after that night. Me and my mate Mick Bradbury (ex of Boston), did a paper petition in support of Sam. Halcyon days - but the scene survived and flourished after the demise of the Casino; don't grieve too much! All the best my friend. Peter
  17. Great stuff as always Mark; thank you for sharing. Aretha was, is, one of the greatest female singers in our history. I also put Gladys up there with her. Two of my best. Peter
  18. Good thread. The lyrics have always moved me on the dance floor. I was, I guess I still am, looking for a love. Never worked out - now that's a Blue's song for sure. I still grieve for the love that never was. There's a Welsh word, beautiful, it could have come right from Alabama. Hiraeth is an untranslatable Welsh word that describes a longing for a home, a place, or a feeling that no longer exists or never existed. It’s a homesickness for the places from your past you can’t return to or even those you’ve never been to. Hiraeth can also mean nostalgia for your past self, the people who are long gone, or the emotions you used to feel. Peter
  19. Terry with the towel round his neck, Ross on the left. It was Rob Mellors who ran the clothes shop - he was going out with Juliette the girl at the front for ages. Rob lives in Thailand now, Ross and Terry are still in Mablethorpe.
  20. You're my mate Mick. I remember you, good lad then, great lad now. Peter
  21. Good job mate. The After Dark promotions were wonderful. Happy days for me and my crew. I'll have a look at your instagram link. Peter Here's me - then, in the moment..................
  22. Yep, Eric and I were really good friends back then. A really nice lad. Peter

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