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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Not got a very big garden, makin do with Herb Ward and Toni Basil.
  2. Tell me is it just a rumour or do they serve choc mints with the coffee called Before Eights, I think you get three? Angry people - the kind of publicity money can't buy!
  3. I can't believe anyone goes in there and eats the whole thing!!!!! da da dadumda dadum
  4. Yeh Drew, kinda instict to know there's so many that I can't bring to mind. The humphrey stomp is a good start though!! Thought it may have been covered before - just idle late night curiosity. The image of a "proper" dance competion will haunt my dreams. Dean.
  5. Forgot an obvious one: The Statue, Tommy Sands. Less obvious, there's a Cotton, by The Duvals, which is a dance but is at that border of Rock N' RnB.
  6. I'm hoping I've uploaded an image here, but not sure. Neither am i sure about the term original when it comes to badges (I'm better with records). I did go th Phoenix (nights), but he whole decade is something of a blur now. dean
  7. Apologies if this has been done before - I don't get on-site as much as I'd like. Got to thinking of some favourite dance titles, and does anyone know how to do these? The 81 (Candy & The Kisses) The 45 (The Sharpees) Skate (Invitations / Lou Courtney) The Thing (Lou Courtney) The LaRue (Lada Edmund jr) Shing-a-ling (Cooperettes) Slow Fizz (Saphires) The Push & Kick (Mark Valentino - flip to Walking Alone) Crossfire (Sammy Sevens) Gallop (Milton wright) Several Horses, mules, jerks, dogs, ducks,........... Any more odd ones? Now this would be a dancing competition I'd like to see. ATTIC SOUL CLUB, MANSFIELD, CHECK EVENTS, 7th APRIL
  8. When you buy records you've already got....................and not always in error. When you scour designer luggage for anything that holds 7"x7" When, as 50 approaches, your new potential life-partner has just made the error of saying "You seem to go to a lot of soul nights - couldn't we..................Dean, Dean, wait a minute!"
  9. Place your bets on kicked out first!!!!!!!!!!!! No please please no responses, Dean
  10. Dean


    I gave this a play at our Attic night (Mansfield), from the 202 keep On Lovin' / A Memory Best Forgotten. I'm sure I recall seeing one in Cressy's box for sale at Annesley several weeks ago, didn't check flip though. Dean.
  11. Just come back to see What does make a good DJ, glad we've cleared it up.............am I right in thinking it's her. Don't follow all the Notts knocking. Not 'afraid' to play anything we think is good at the ATTIC. Some people won't like our night, that's fine.......don't expect everyone to like the same. I do dance.........hey what makes a good dancer......no forget it. I remember at John Vincents Sams night Christmas 05. Pat Brady was on. In the middle he dropped Earl Wright - Thumb a ride. Normally I'd not be leaping out of my seat for this, but at the time it just fit right in there. That night for me Pat was a good DJ. I remember it as I was smiling to myself dancing to Thumb a Ride. Timing. Dean (Penford - to avaoid confusion), on the 'Scene' in Notts, but not a very good dj
  12. ooooohhhh dangerous. Young DJs eh, not seeing too many young soul fans, perhaps why we're in mid-tempo heaven and the term stomper sounds a weee bit dated. I'm hardly a DJ, I give it my best shot at the Attic and am there to be shot at too, but I've been around. Good DJ = dance floor? Not sure depends on time of night too. A lot of dance floors at soul nights don't warm up until later. Doesn't mean the early spots we're poor. So appropriate timing might be a good sign. Also depends on venue and expectations, big floor without dancers looks odd and cold, particularly if circled by people waiting to dance. Small intimate venue (like ours) not such an issue, people looking happy, talking soul and stuff, having a drink, plus a conscious decision to not try to "chase the floor" to aim for a variety of sound. Although for NS, dancing is a bit like applause, so I'd lie if I said I wasn't bothered, and it does affect what I play, as indeed it should. Good DJ = good spot. Maybe not so simple. Good DJ in front of wrong crowd? Expectation's an issue too, as is reputation. Good DJ = Knowledge, timing, passion, awareness, understanding - builds a good reputation but doesn't rely on it. Recently at the ATTIC Mark Bicknell - 2and1/2 hours with one deck trashed - seamless, full dance floor, happy faces, great energy in the room, great choice of sounds for our place. Cressy - Obvious experience, duck-to-water, natural. Great timing, great awareness and again great choice of sounds for this room. Tats - Why isn't this guy bigger (I don't mean physically), enthusiasm, master timing - opened with some really awesome big northern, led us onto more crossover sound, was an education. Steve Barney Lydon - well sober would be a start!!! Ok shoot me, Dean.
  13. ooooohhhh dangerous. Young DJs eh, not seeing too many young soul fans, perhaps why we're in mid-tempo heaven and the term stomper sounds a weee bit dated. I'm hardly a DJ, I give it my best shot at the Attic and am there to be shot at too, but I've been around. Good DJ = dance floor? Not sure depends on time of night too. A lot of dance floors at soul nights don't warm up until later. Doesn't mean the early spots we're poor. So appropriate timing might be a good sign. Also depends on venue and expectations, big floor without dancers looks odd and cold, particularly if circled by people waiting to dance. Small intimate venue (like ours) not such an issue, people looking happy, talking soul and stuff, having a drink, plus a conscious decision to not try to "chase the floor" to aim for a variety of sound. Although for NS, dancing is a bit like applause, so I'd lie if I said I wasn't bothered, and it does affect what I play, as indeed it should. Good DJ = good spot. Maybe not so simple. Good DJ in front of wrong crowd? Expectation's an issue too, as is reputation. Good DJ = Knowledge, timing, passion, awareness, understanding - builds a good reputation but doesn't rely on it. Recently at the ATTIC Mark Bicknell - 2and1/2 hours with one deck trashed - seamless, full dance floor, happy faces, great energy in the room, great choice of sounds for our place. Cressy - Obvious experience, duck-to-water, natural. Great timing, great awareness and again great choice of sounds for this room. Tats - Why isn't this guy bigger (I don't mean physically), enthusiasm, master timing - opened with some really awesome big northern, led us onto more crossover sound, was an education. Steve Barney Lydon - well sober would be a start!!! Ok shoot me, Dean.
  14. What a great topic. I'm not fooling myself that any of these will "go big", that's often more about who plays, rather than what's played............and I'm so small scale I'm off the map. But, that said, happy to share some from the back of my box that are genuinely doing it for me at the moment - as you'll see these are not meant to impress, but make me happy. On a modern/crossover tinge - from last year on Soul Junction Johnny Moor - You Fixed it (wish this was rare), and Our Brothers Keeper - You've Been A Long Time Comin' on Columbia. As a b side, the flip to Johnny Wyatt Hang up the Phone, Any Kind of Love on Challenge, just builds and builds vocally. R&B - super cheap but spine tinglingly good - Johnny Copeland - Just One More Time on Golden eagle, pick it up for a fiver. Old Style - hardly known Tony Middleton - Already Satisfied on speed (label that is!) and one I really hope is resurrected through the Cleethorpes "reunion" Dry Well - Gypsy (Lauren). Don't think I've heard that in a big hall since Parr Hall Warrington. Play them at the Attic in Mansfield, not the best sounds played there by any means...............but it's a personal thing. Dean.
  15. Not sure this fits the bill of tunes people would like to play but feel apprehensive about, but I think it goes with the flow of the the thread. Barry Cooper played Isley Brothers - I hear a Symphony at a recent Pilsley night, that went down a storm - perhaps also memories of Carmel Strings from a day gone by in there. I tend towards an imagined RIGHT time to drop sounds in, if it's a spot full of more popular (at their time) records the individual great sound, of which I'd think IMLR is one can get lost. But drop it in the RIGHT place and it can feel fresh and distinctive. One of my current favourites is Lesley Gore - No matter What You Do, don't feel apprehensive about playing it, but it needs to fit the spot - as I hope it will at the Attic on Saturday (Mansfield - see events). Guess it's all opinion and taste, varied and better for it. Dean
  16. Dean

    the attic boys!

    It sure is - don't you think he's puttin a bit of weight on! Dean (on the right)

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