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Everything posted by Dean

  1. I like to have a blind punt but only on the cheap, mostly 60s. Ive ended up with some real junk but now and again I get a really pleasant shock. Always fun waiting for an unknown brown package. Bit like buying the lottery ticket, I sometimes put off playing it to extend the suspense = value for money. I bought Lavell Hardy - What Kind of Woman on Rojac blind a couple of years ago, still in my play box. Still cheap but bloody good. Dean
  2. Are you still talking about record hunting?
  3. Material used as weight for stability. I seem to remember a rumour many years ago that the 'bb' non-return hole on many imports was from a rack storage system where bulk 'junk' buy records had been used as ballast for cargo ships without cargo. Don't believe that to be true but could imagine any old cargo being used for stability. Only a thought not a theory. Sorry didn't see other post above, writing about same time
  4. eeerrrm, glad I made a contribution. Any particular point of it shit? Don't think there's anything to be gained from hoping someone will appear to rescue this, just wishful thinking without much thought in my shit opinion.
  5. Is there truth in the old tale about records being usedas shipping ballast? That could explain some remote locations. Does any road transport need ballast? Well I don't bloody know, just idle speculation.
  6. It's hard to know which thread to leave a comment on for this one. I think lot's of us should take time to draw breath and think through the implications. I've never promoted a large scale event (I would take any advice Rob Wigley had to offer though if I was ever to be so daft as to try) but I imagine the only people who could salvage a dayer without the artists at Oceana/Palais would be Tracy and Andy. I don't see how anyone else could get through contractual agreements with the club management in taking it over, let alone all the personal agreements with tickets purchased under different assumptions. I know they are assumptions and not binding as no artists appear on the ticket. Right now I have to feel for Tracy and Andy, acknowledging Joan's valid point that they didn't do themselves favours on here at times. Talking to them in person you couldn't doubt their enthusiasm, but if enthusiasm was enough then Forest wouldn't be back in the bottom 3! I think it could only be Tracy and Andy who could continue at this late stage with an all-dayer, and how I presume they feel now I would think that quite unlikely. One part of my little brain thinks it could be the best thing they could do for their own sense of esteem, but they'd need the hide of a rhino to start with. Best wishes to them both when they surface . . . . . . and perhaps a sorry to all the people making expensive plans.
  7. May not have read all previous thoroughly enough, but have we decided what a NS snob is? Oxford mini-dictionary. snob: n. person with an exaggerated respect for social positions or wealth or certain tastes and despises those considered inferior. I agree with both posts by Joan (not out of any respect for social position). Don't care what people play in car/at home/ipod, playing to yourself play anything. Always tricky playing 45s in the car. Playing out is declaring you have something to offer which is a different kettle of fish (to quote a missed venue that stood by its OVO polcy). Look to your own morals, would you declare "This is a boot" or "This is a legit re-issue" over the mic? But the whole snob thing is more than OVO vs the rest of the world debate. Hard to argue that spending £'00s and in some cases £'000s on records while a third of the world starve, and having respect for those that do, isn't some form of human exaggeration. But I'm still happy to do it (only £'00s in my case, not out of morality though). I think a lot of us got into this to be snobs when we couldn't aspire to be snobbish in any other context. Despise would be too harsh, but I certainly looked down my nose (and a sizable one it is too) at those who were satisfied with the local miners welfare or some 70s disco, only dancing at the last dance as an excuse to feel-up some other poor drunken unfortunate. I thought their music inferior, their friends inferior, and assumed the ego of a social superior as part of an elite club that travelled the country most weekends (2 buses and 2 trains to Wigan, 4 buses to St Ives and none back on Sunday). As a kid I wore the badges to set myself apart from other people who didn't belong to this elite exciting club. A huge snob back in the day. Looking around Prestatyn at the weekend we needed to ask ourselves a few times, is this a scene we'd boast about belonging to? I've mellowed a little. I don't get the uniform thing, particularly the retro uniform, but as long as you don't make me wear it, I don't care. I do have an exaggerated respect for those with taste (that'll be the same tastes as mine) in music, with respect for original vinyl and the sheer beauty of labels. I really admire those who dance well (something I never managed to achieve) but not for dancing competitions (perhaps becuase I'm not good enough or perhaps simply because they're stupid) I think the current "snob" conversation may be around all sorts of internal scene snobbery, rarity, fashion, history/credentials. I'm definitely a vinyl snob, partially a fashion snob, hope I'm not a history/credentials snob (some of the more likeable folk I've met over the last couple of years are people who are newer to the scene. Don't intend to change.
  8. I want to marry you so "What's yours is mine"
  9. No expert but may be of interest. As a teenager, before www., before fax!! I collected SOUL and wrote to Motown for a label list. I still have it even though I spent most of the mid to latter 70s carrying it around record bars at nighters ticking them off. The list is obviously a photo-copy from a file, looks like a heavy leather bound file. The clerk made notes on the list indicating White/Purple, circles, both, releases and also NR at the side of those Not Released. I'm not saying this is acurate - as there is no NR at the side of 35019 (Frank Wilson), neither does it record the White/Purple Francis Nero. But may be interesting never the less: Numbers with no information - 35007 (other list have this as Merced Blue Notes); 35114 (other lists as Jr Walker - You Are The Sunshine of My Life); 35124 (never listed as far as I know, finished at 35123) Marked with NR - 35086 David and Jimmy Ruffin, Lo and Behold; 35089 Blinky, How You Gonna Keep It (also NR on Motown 1168); 35101 Bob Babbitt, Gospel Truth (missed an acetate of this on ebay about 3 or 4 year ago); 35121 Originals, Call On Your Six-Million Dollar Man (There are demo copies of this around, got one a short while ago). All others including 35009 have no specific information apart from indicating White/Purple. It is on other list as Unissued (www.seabear.se/SOUL ) Had the list when Frank Wilson was covered up as Eddie Foster, wondered but thought "No, can't be!!" Dean
  10. Nope as in swap shop , hasn't Keith Cheggwin got a few of these?
  11. Sorry Nev, not going to be any use to you, just on here tonight. Thinking "current value" is a difficult one for most items of this status, the value seems to be what two people want to pay, and as we're now global that makes it a tough call. Also thinking don't see many, especially mint, around. Also thinking this is a record that although overplayed in different era's still holds some magic. You can usually use JM as a top price to pay but I just bet that if JM ( as a bench mark) had a mint go through, it would be a lot more than £1000. Status is value. Just opinion. Dean
  12. Darryl - simply thank you. Sometimes isn't this a great site . Love it that you're out there and you can get a sense of what this means to a lot of people. Dean.
  13. Always worth a listen Malc, think he feels a few northern gems increases his listenership (is that a word?). Has a good eclectic mix. He does (perhaps righlty) state that the northern scene like the rockabilly scene need to be told what to like. I've heard a few on his show and dug them out to pay em again. Dean
  14. Oh bloody hell . Sure they know best regarding business but we keep hearing about a resurgence in vinyl, amongst younger consumers too. Would think it ideally placed with its position and history to capitalise on this. Starting to feel very old, I can remember when all this was fields and Forest were a team to be feared.
  15. Seems a stupid question to ask given the thread . . . . . . . . Is it closing? Ran by today (admittedly with blinkers on) looked ok. Just been on website, update dated today - no mention. Half the shop (lower bit) and premises further down Market St (was second hand selectadisc) closed down a while ago. Never be amazed to see Rob's shop not open at certain times - he's using a sun dial not a clock - love the man. Dean
  16. Skipped through to the end to listen to it close out How bad is that? Made me smile though. Think not only would it clear the floor, it would be hard to get it back following that end. Could always follow it with Garry Churm's Ken Dodd cover up!
  17. Why are they Wigan Casino White Lablels (sic)? Is Wigan Casino White an official colour, must check the Dulux chart.
  18. just paid £28 for Mack Rice last night on ebay, if your G grade is a conservative one £15 is a good price for a classy sound there.
  19. This may well have been covered already, I've not been on SS much of late, lot happening around me. Lots of people were expressing concern around Ivor on a thread a while ago. I've just bumped into Rob and he says Ivor is doing fine, recovering from a bad kidney infection. Mentioned to Rob how often his name comes up on here still, as in "......... an old Rob Marriott sound/discovery" and references to "sh*ttin yella". He seems amused by that, anyway he's looking fine too. Dean.
  20. I can dig one out (a boot that is) about 5pm but I think you'll have all the info you need by then, if not check back later, Dean.
  21. At work (supposedly)so can't add pic or check details but def was booted '70s black and white. Sure others will respond with more info, but can check detail in the embarrassing box deep under the bed that must never come out.
  22. Are you offering credit yet Pete to beat the crunch? Not so much sniping as sifting through the wreckage
  23. Call me a sentimentalist but I'd still have Tobi Legend in there, under the OVO rule, playable by licence only to places playing priginal vinyl. Still a perfect ender that has perhaps become tainted by it's exposure as 3 before 8. Think I'd vary the other 2, at the moment I'm liking Lavell Hardy - What Kind of Woman . . . . . . just thought of another that I've not been brave enough to play out yet, Checkmates Ltd - Walk in the Sunlight (flip to The A & I ) - cheap sound but great ballad. Dean
  24. Good call Sean, hope 2009 is good to you. Keeping the instrumental tradition alive, last year I enjoyed playing Hank Jacobs and the TKOs - Speak to me in your soulful way (Call me). Here's a really good one if you fancy some grinding organ in the new year 2009 - overlooked and really really cheap (£25 on JM) THE TKOs featuring Hank Jacobs - THE CHARGE on Ten Star. Happy new year. Dean

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