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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Very best wishes to you both. Didn't think lookbacks was an appropriate place for this, great celebration last night. It's a tribute to you both the number of really good people from "the scene" who turned up to help celebrate. Lots of great tunes, Steve Lydon is now a convert to deep grinding R&B. Kev H managed to get some fresh air but had to go by himself, sure we can keep that going for another 20 year. We did think that The Attic lads may have been the live music when we arrived upstairs and saw the banjo's on stage, but lucky for you there were actually some musicians in the place. Two great people, wishing you all the happiness for each other together, Dean
  2. Thanks for information Dave. Still looking if anyone has further information. Dean
  3. Not expecting a flood of replies, a bit specific this one. Is there a white A / B side promo of S35046 Jimmy Ruffin - Don't Let Him Take Your Love From Me / Lonely Lonlely Man Am I, on SOUL? Would post in Wants but would like to know if there is one first! Thanks in anticipation (which always looks silly when there's no replies), Dean
  4. Available on auction site now: Mark 3 £327 Larry Wright £1165 Lee Moses £115 Del Larks £3648 Eddie Holman £108 Alfie Davison £1003 Soul Stopers band £105 Elbie Parker £359 Family of Eve £124 Paul Newman £159 Otis Jackson £457 Imaginations £234 Tan Geers £409 Jimmy Soul Clark £ 100 Brand New £385 Sorry for any typo's no time to check through...........sit back and wait for the comments, thought Elbie Parker was reasonable, am I wrong?
  5. just heard on radio news and came on here to check, her website had no mention. seems to be the time of our lives that we are in the middle of losing those artists that we hold in such etseem. Going to go and play a few and try to smile for her memory. x
  6. 1.45 seems to be a recurring time! Not sure if it's the shortest in my boxes but 'The Halos - Do I' (1.45 on label) always hit me as very brief. At a time when my feet could could time with my mind I didn't mind its brevity, about 45 seconds too long for my knees now.
  7. Scanning through this, I don't suppose the gent/lady who cut those patches off my bag as it lay amongst a pile on the stage at Wigan would like to return them now? Can't recall the date. One I miss, sad as that is, was a local one, I think promoted by Phil Kingswood, a square patch with an oak tree centre design, think it was Sherwood Soul Club. Still got a few in a frame with old fliers etc.
  8. Hi Rob, played this to Steve and Kev a couple of months back, primarily to point out the horns, are they really sampled or just very similar? Particularly noticeable on Inst flip, which side did you play out? Hope all's well mate. Night Nurse - any oneknow were i can get a copy of this Crazy beat records had them on their list for a while, not sure if they've any left, worth a try though, sure I onlyy paid £5 from them. www.crazybeat.co.uk
  9. I'm sure this has been done several times but memory not what it was. Is this legit?
  10. Corner Boys and Friends - Take It Easy Soul Brother, also on Neptune (??)
  11. Saw this bandwagon passing, thought I'd jump on. I'll have the Bunny Sigler for £3. pm me postage and preferred payment method. Dean.
  12. My access to SS is a bit eratic at the moment so apologies if I've missed this on another thread: Any details of time/day of new Soul Shack show Mark? Best wishes, Dean
  13. He was on at the Wardrobe in Leeds last night, don't know if he's doing other dates?
  14. Is TMG 710 (solid centre) Do What You Gotta Do / Can't Seem To Get You Out Of My Mind a re-issue? Both favourites of mine, one for playing at home one for playing out to dance. But ...... fav track over the last few years is "Look Out Your Window" from Soul Spin Lp MS 695, wonderful track ripe for playing today. Lp also has a cool version of "Got To Get You Into My Life" on.
  15. Just a quick shout about a good gesture from an ebay seller pinkiedog2008 (Jaymee). Recently purchased very cheap, with cheap postage, Sounds Inc, On The Brink, Liberty audition record (think this was prior to the columbia release). Arrived with a hair crack, still plays ok. Let pinkiedog2008 know, packaging was good. Said I wasn't asking for refund or complaining, sometimes this just happens and thought seller should know. Immediate refund received with thanks for communication. Thought it worth sharing.
  16. How chrystal clear is this . Sounds better from this source than it did on the nights . Lovin' the cover ups. Stopped taping after Wigan / St Ives for some reason, probabaly thought I was too cool for school by then. Nothing I have is a s clear as this tho'. Brilliant.
  17. Sorry if I'm drifting off thread topic, just responding to questions on thread: Jayne - Don't think it's expensive but then again I've not been looking for one, it can always shock me what has become rare over the years, wouldn't think it's that rare though. soulsalmon - I don't remember if Chris had a hand in these. Are you confusing them with his "Triangle Connoisseur Sounds - The Motown Hitsville Masters"? I never saw volume 2, I have vol 1 that has Marvin Gaye's Lonley Lover on. I know Chris had a big hand in those but it was several years later. Like the "All Night Long" album the labels are white blank paper, no attempt at design.
  18. Is this the one you're thinking Jayne: Wiilie G & The Styles - No Second Chance, Bobby Jason - All These Things, James Lewis - That's The Way, Professionals- That's Why I love You, Court Davis - The Lover Who Loves You Not, Seven Souls - I Still Love You, John & Weirdest - Can't Get Over These Memories, Ty Karim - Lighten Up, Cheryl Berdell - Giving It All To You, Doug Parkinson - I'll Be Around, Jan Jones - Independant Woman, Charles Johnson - Never Had A Love, Tyrone Barklay - Man of Value, Otis Clay - The Only Way Is Up, James mack - Over The Top.
  19. Agree on Court Davis, can also remember the first play, instant euphoria. Dynamic Deadbeats seems to sum up the spirit of that time very well. Cecil Washington for me though.
  20. Could be that the information potential offered by this inter-web thingy at the touch of a button makes it harder to sustain the illusion. But I think your closer with the kudos notion, as in stating that this record is perhaps only known to you.
  21. Will there be an email that reads: I see you were the second highest bidder, I've just found another one in the box in the same if not better condition, you have a second chance offer
  22. Not sure what you mean by plastic soulies. Do remember a big mod revival influence (no intention to denigrate by suggesting it revival, most trends are) following the screening of Quadrophenia. Lots of Parkas at Wigan, and lots of Green Onions in Ms and Main room. As I recall didn't this era coincide with Russ W going back to roots to play Al Capone one night?
  23. bought one in 1975, but I think it was quite old then, off an a local (Mansfield) DJ Eric Hetherington (not too sure of spelling) The Tempose (Lil Lavair and the Fabulaous Jades, I think) - I'll Be So Happy Lesley Gore - Just Can't Get Enough of You Tony P - I've got a emi 12 track lp somewhere, left at my house ages ago by Fran Morgan (Booby) from Newark, Notts. Can't recall tracks, poor quality sure it's got Rain on it from the time that was big.
  24. Not bothered for a few days with SS, so glad I had a look tonight and opened that up, thanks.
  25. If this has Already Satisfied on the flip it's been gpoing through ebay for well over £100+, or at least the last two I've seen have.

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