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Everything posted by Dean

  1. apologies if I'm hijacking thread . . . . . . any collectors out there got Merced Blue Notes on S35007 Do The Pig / Thompin? Is Do The Pig Thompin pt 1? I presume any out there are promo's . . . . .anybody?
  2. I'll pass that onto Rob when I see him Joan, will be good for him to hear. For me, Searling. In part selfish for the time I was busiest, but also for the quality amidst a tide of mediocre sounds pushing the floor. C90 tape at the ready.
  3. Hope I don't ramble too much, trying to enter into the genuine spirit. Like to start by saying I enjoyed Debbie (Parkash) post, I think we may disagree on several fashion points (if you could see photo's of me in the 70s you'd appreciate me not wanting to re-create that look!), but thought you got a point over very well. What is Northern Soul has changed through a couple of different eras for me. Mid 70s it was most of my social life, but never all my musical interest. It was a level of friendship that I didn't see common in other people and places. It was venturing out of a pit village onto buses (took 5 service buses to get to St Ives) that led to adventures we felt privilidged to be having. It was a bit secret, a bit exclusive, it was ours as a group of excellent friends. Buses led to car journeys and booking coaches, that were frantic, taking in 2 and 3 venues and a wider NS social network at service stations and cafes. At venues, nites and nighters/dayers, it was dancing as it was ok to dance for your own appreciation and pleasure without much concern of "doing it right". It felt like belonging. As dancefloor appreciation led to record and label appreciation, more knowledge felt like another level of belonging. The early appreciation of NS via the dance floor led to a wider appreciation of soul music. Now it's appreciating the memory of the importance of belonging to something in those formative years. It's collecting that has become an adiction that I promise myself I can stop. Now it's a more relaxed social scene for me, several of the same old friends, some newer, occasionally the unexpected return of an old face and memory. A few soul nites to have a dance and see people, the occasional larger event to hear what's new and what I don't know. It's waiting for brown packets to drop through the door, containing cheaper unpopular or unknown/lesser known sounds that still stir my appreciation of where the music comes from - getting away from being told what to like. It's also now buying and appreciating some of the sounds I used to respect years ago, but couldn't afford. Most importantly at the moment it's looking forward to playing the contents of those packets to a couple of very good friends over several bottles of wine and more potato based starch snacks than is healthy for anyone.
  4. Was watching this today on ebay as it looks like a cleaner one than I've got but . . . . . . . . £95.92 https://cgi.ebay.co.u...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT NORTHERN SOUL - NOLAN PORTER - ABC - W/D - EX - RARE Item condition:--Ended:15 Feb, 201016:18:18 GMTBid history:9 bidsWinning bid:US $150.04Approximately £95.92
  5. I was under the impression they were the same tracks, different labels. 35007 is rare. Anyone got a scan by any chance? Interesting item, would love to know its history.
  6. As a natural outgrowth of the Mod movement of a few years earlier, they were naturally dressed sharp, .................. Because of this, many soulies often dressed in loose, bell-bottomed pants. Not incongruous at all, the baggies have been rigt all along! Please Note Steve L ......the Northern Soul dancers rarely drank alcohol on their nights out All together now, one, two three, . . . . . . sometimes shouted in the crowd, included "Right on now!" Lovin it
  7. Well spoken. There's only a value at any given moment, and that's the value a potential buyer gives it. You paid what you wanted and I hope it brings you plenty of pleasure to hold, play and admire it. I don't own one, maybe one day. Puttin' son through uni and daughter following close behind at the moment. Maybe it'll come down in price again by the time I can afford one. Congratulations.
  8. $2599.00 (£1,672.53). Postage was a bargain at $3 (£1.88) Was Hoping for a lottery win in time, didn't happen . . . . . . . . . . just be sods law to win the bloody £85 million Euro-lottery tonight. £1300 in JM guide. Hope it finds a good home.
  9. I think the source of my concern is thinking the real ones are more sea green (like yours), but I'm hopeful. It was a 66 release which would tie in with the delta number.
  10. This may have been done before, just looking for peace of mind: I think one of these is a lookalike boot. Purchased in '76 I think, at the casino one night, could've been '77. I seem to recall seeing the following in Echoes only a week before purchase, but memory plays tricks. "LARRY HALE - "Once" (Diamond). Originally covered up as Pat White's "One More Once" this is brilliant Wigan '76 Stomper. The maxim widely used when listening to a new song - "If it grabs you in the first twenty seconds - grab it" Works with this one. The unique thumping drum opening and off key beats compliments Larry's wailing tortuous voice, so reminiscent of a Teddy Vann production a la 'Moonlight Music & You' and 'What Shall I do'. Watch out for the Blue Diamond normal copies as against the green and white demo which is a pressing" I stuck that clipping on the front of the card sleeve (looking a little brown now). Years later I doubted it's authenticity, no matrix but a scratched in D 203 B. The similar coloured promo has a delta 61542 putting it about March/April 66 if genuine. Is the promo genuine? Is the other a boot?
  11. Presume Saturday Night In Harlem is Cheap, but that's only because I picked one up as part of a Bill withers x 6 pack on ebay for $5 + postage. Barrie at www.45heaven.com has Three Nights and A Morning on a Lotus demo for £60. I've always found his prices to be very good but think you can pick up a good issue much cheaper, am tempted tho.
  12. Thanks, feel better and more relaxed for those responses. I do tend to jump to conclusions.
  13. Adore Saturday Night in Harlem, played it out a couple of times recently. Is this track on Sussex the same track as the one on Lotus - Three Nights and a Morning. To memory the Lotus track is more upbeat, but memory not too good.
  14. Recieved an email from paypal: Plumb Loco Records has cancelled the postage label for the reason below: Changed Mind Your package will no longer be sent using PayPal Postage with US Postal Service. Ship From: Plumb Loco Records P.O. Box 391 Willoughby, OH 44096 United States Has anyone experienced anything similar? Apologies if I'm being stupid but does this mean they've "Changed Mind" about sending the record or "Changed Mind" about postage. Seems odd to me.
  15. Was going to try to be clever and put "Let's be having you!" into a English / Japanese translation site. For any global djs it's \のにあなたを持っていていさせてください Glad to be of help
  16. Hope Dave Kettle doesn't mind! Can't remember what year, looking at the stage I think it must have been after 8, or a very poor attended Saturday. . . . . just thought I'd add rather than re-post, that isn't a shadow around DK's head, it is hair. Can't explain Rob M's eyes tho Kev!
  17. Sorry Stevie, typing as you were posting. By the way I don't think anything for ages has captured the continued passion for the music and surrounding scene as your brief Channel 4 contribution did.
  18. Are the "This England" clips part of the finished film? Take the point about NS as the backdrop to a young love story but do get embarrassed when these things start to look like a documentary with the confused standpoint of portraying fictional characters in an historical setting. Just have to see it I suppose although suspect I'll be looking through open fingers. Can't wait for the gritty drug references, perhaps there's room for a sequel, "4 Nighters and a Funeral". My biggest fear is that bags will be back in fashion and I'll have to stop laughing at those who wear them.
  19. My memory is rubbish and I'm not at home to check but I do seem to recall there were some boots that gave a different act: Joey Dee and the Starliters / Joey Dee and the New Starliters. Did they all have vocal / instrumental sides. Remember it was covered as Artie Lewis - Struttin' Time . . . . . . . . Long term memory is a bit better.
  20. Know you so well but didn't know Coalville Tiffs was your first nighter. Very fond memories of Coalville but on public transport, bugger to get back from, used to have to sit it out in the bus station staff cafe. Must compare notes Steve. Record for me at Tiffs was French Fries. First nighter for me was Nottingham Palais, I think '75, summer. Met up in bowling alley waiting for 2am, remember when it was common for nighters to start after disco clubs had kicked out? Sad thing is several of the lads I met with then are dead now. Records . . . . . walking up the steps past the toilets Idle Few, will never forget that, later being terrified by the men who could dance to So Is The Sun. Bought my first non-boot that night Just Bros, Sliced Tomatoes, still got it.
  21. Dean

    Jimmy Raye

    JM price guide has it at £75, but had this conversation with Kev a while ago. Just don't see 'em for sale at all. I really think that's a long way under-valued. Been keeping an eye out, not seen one go through. I would happily give Kev £76 for his.
  22. Hi Jim, didn't know it was on a Kent Lp, any idea which one? Taking into accoun "You learn something new everyday", that's my work done today.
  23. I don't think it went for a great deal (about £80 if memory serves). I was surprised to see it on there. Quite a quirky little latin number, simialr (if not same) backing as Champs - Tequila (early hit for Challenge Records), perhaps it's day hasn't come yet, perhaps it won't. May be more interest via latin than northern. I'm holding onto mine for when I move into wedding disco's!
  24. Hi Rob, funny thing memory isn't it. I was trying to fill in the blanks in my mind having heard you play this on Sat (and sounding very good by the way). I think what's happened around my ears is early on (70s) I've heard this (must have been on Goldspot), and as I always was at the time, dancin' away to it. I think my immersion in dancing to records (do you remember when we were on the floor just about all night, oh the youth!) wasn't helpful to hearing some of the finer points of the music. I then have a memory, sure it was at Nottingham palais, no idea of DJ, of being stunned by hearing a longer vocal exit that seemed to drift over the dance floor at the end. I'd not registered the organ/piano difference in my foot fuelled enthusiasm. I was blown away. I don't remember registering that feeling again until the other night. Given the information on here, I can only presume when I have heard this out over the latter years, when more listening and less dancing has become the order of the night, it's been a boot. That issue you had on the decks not only sounded great but did look great too. Must try and get me one of those. Thanks for all the information everyone to help my rubbish memory. dean
  25. Thanks for all the info. All helpful. Is opinion that ALL (genuine) GAR multi coloured Issues and b/w demos have the longer fading acapelo at the end. I'm not sure about this (doubting Dean). It may be that I've not been listening well enough, or scoundrels playing boots, or hearing Goldspot takes. My memory is rubbish. Any more info would help me sleep!

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