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Everything posted by Dean

  1. Thanks, probably not missing anything as you say given date. Curiosity was getting the best of me.
  2. I took a punt on George Tindley - Fairy Tales / Just for Her on a neat Parkway demo from a seller on ebay. $9.95 and $10 postage. Didn't know it, dont't know it, and couldn't locate any sound clip. I was looking forward to the brown parcel to satisfy my curiosity and in the always present but often futile hope of finding a new (to me) good tune. Ended 24th Oct. Got notice today that seller has opened a case to cancell the transaction on the basis that they now realise the record is broken. I don't want to be hard on the seller, accidents and mistakes happen. I am always sceptical about these things but that can be my problem. Does anyone know the tune? Am I missing out or missing nothing?
  3. Gypsy is of those marmite sounds that some love some hate, with equal passion. I love it. Last two I've had: Paid about £80 about 4 years ago, last one saw going through ebay cheaper bought and re-listed and think I got about £90 3 years ago. There were quite a few bidders. Value can be quite influenced by sudden raised awareness and there had been a couple of discussion topics about the disc at the time. About the same time JM auctioned the Ellen and the Shondells (is that right?) disc and only got about £140, which I thought would be worth more. Not noticed any going through lists and ebay more recently. Hope that's a little help. Dean.
  4. Seller is in Hawarden, Chester. I wonder what 25 boxes ended up in Hawarden in the 70s?
  5. That's not the first time I've done that. Been looking for some subtle print to miss the bleedin obvious. Really didn't see it until you pointed it out . . . . . should've gone to specsavers.
  6. So Was Frankie Beverly booted on Sassy? This doesn't say demo in the demo column on the list. I'm struggling to recall an issue boot? And who's asking the question . . . . . do you live near Mansfield?
  7. You can kinda build up a picture: male, was around in 76 -80, spent more time on the dance floor than the record bar. Hope he (she - I could well be wrong) gets a good enough price, but fear it may not. I was looking to see if there was a location, regarding dogstoat's comment above. I don't know if this applies to other uk towns but I do wonder. Were there sets of records available in the mid/late 70s in different locations? I've raised this before but think it's pertinent here. In Mansfield, Notts, I think it would be late 70s we had 2 shops selling a lot of boots (among other things before I offend Phil K), Syd Booths and Vallances (the electrical retailer). I can't remember which shop, think it was Vallances (had a little record booth at the rear of the store, behind the vacuum cleaners) that had white Sassy demo's of Frankie Beverly - If That's What You Wanted for £2. Bought it thinking it to be a boot like most else on the wall of shame. Sold it a few years ago for over £350 to take the kids camping for a week when i was short of £. There must be at least a dozen of these in lofts around this area. Dean
  8. For the sake of potential embarrassment could it be clear this is not a fancy dress event . Thinking it sounds quite interesting, would like to see any papers resulting. Unable to go but wishing I could.
  9. In a way that is its own tribute to the meaningful emotive lyrics. I suspect there will be a lot more action for this tune at funerals over the next 30 years.Could move Frank and My Way off the top spot. I quite fancy Burning Sensation or My World is on Fire for a good cremation.
  10. Good piece, and nice to see an article with a NS connection that isn't cliche ridden. Just wanted to add in relation to "What passes for music these days". My son (now 20) pointed my 14 year old daughter in the direction of Hatebeak, a death metal thrash band fronted by an African Grey Parrot :lol: . Perhaps we may enjoy a younger interest at some future time if that's the alternative.
  11. saw it at https://www.rarenorthernsoul.com/Motown/10770/the-night/#product £50 as a demo (can't spot any demo/promo id on it)
  12. There's an Australian tamla Motown issue. (image not mine)
  13. I remember a 3002 going through JM auction about a year ago (bet it turns out to be three years!) but can't recall the premium price. Curiosity led me to popsike. There's been a white label promo 3002 with info sheet go through ebay in Feb 2010 for £83. There's a couple more 3002 gone through ebay for around £20. I know that doesn't give the whole picture but just a little bit of info that may help. Dean
  14. Thanks for responses; Would anyone feel like sharing how much they sold the bold type demo for, I'm feeling very drawn to one. I think I recall the ebay item I saw was a buy it now $29.99 would that seem reasonable in your opinion, might have a look if it's been re-listed.
  15. I'm sadly out of touch with Stockport's middle aged women. Perhaps we're just out of touch John, NS has always been a broad church and I'm vaguely aware of Sir Cliff's affinity for the church. I suppose Living Doll is mid-tempo. MAK - What the f*** has Garry''s playbox got to do with Northern Soul, you really bemuse me sometime. Hope all's well with you buddy - not been out and about much for a couple of months, hope to be out more between now and Christmas, perhaps bump into you soon.
  16. Only wanting to share incredulous humour with you - hope it's the right forum to do so. Nothing new in seeing ebay items described as Northern when it would appear that the seller thinks that label may sell any old item to an unsuspecting bandwagon rider. But I thought this one was a beauty. https://cgi.ebay.com/CLIFF-RICHARD-LIVING-DOLL-NORTHERN-SOUL-45-ABC-45-VG-/130423366812?pt=Music_on_Vinyl&hash=item1e5dd6a49c CLIFF RICHARD - LIVING DOLL Does this count as under-played?
  17. Just having a quick browse on ebay and came by this. I know ATCO label of the week was a couple of week ago but this caught my eye. Am I having a memory senior moment lapse or is this design unusual. Great tune by the way, Ted Massey spun it a few times a while back leading me to pick up a very cheap mint issue.
  18. Always have been, and continue to be, fascinated by the stories and legends of missing records. It's hard to take logically just how scarce some issues are, having been issued. I'm going to get to work on a vinyl detector along the lines of the beach metal detector, there must be some great land-fills out there.
  19. Only a TV movie but remember enjoying Lenny Henry / John Shea in Coast to Coast with a great Motown backing track. Not a big LH fan under normal circumstances but impressed by this. Always thought it wasn't available but just googled and found it for sale, at tv-memories.com , Presumably not an authorised copy as I don't think it's ever officially been available (was it BBc or Channel 4?)
  20. Different agenda's sometimes in my opinion, and it would be too general to tag all live acts the same. There have been some acts that I've been very happy to applaud and show my appreciation for the years of pleasure their records have given me, and to impress upon them that because the record(s) didn't sell diddly doesn't mean they are not success in our minds. Some of those acts really couldn't cut the mustard now however if just considering a performance. If it's just a matter of appreciating a performance rather than the history some really struggle and I can only appreciate them and show that appreciation as a tribute to what they were, which may not have been celebrated at the time they could perform well. I really don't like the times when an artist tries to expand a set doing inappropiate covers like a Stax review to fill time. Prefer for those to do the memory number, take the bow and leave the stage. Then again there are those that pull it off with great style. I've been into all kinds of live music throughout many years from Bowie to current day (Nick Cave's new band Grinderman were particularly good at Rock City a couple of weeks ago), I still do a couple of festivals each year. I remember seeing Stevie Wonder on his Hotter than July gig when Diana Ross and Marvin Gaye joined him on stage. . . . . . . . But one of the best performances I ever saw ( as I've repeatedly reminded Rob Wigley) was Chuck Jackson at the Sherwood rooms in Nottingham, can't recall the year but guessing '82 ish. Mostly I see it as tribute to past times these days, but there's always someone who will genuinely surprise.
  21. Example; Eddie Parkers " I'm Gone" AWAKE white demo?? Obviously not all labels did "white" demo's they just printed "not for sale" or "plug side".......but most did.
  22. Sorry I'll get my pyjamas and get to bed!!

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