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Everything posted by Dean

  1. On the You Tube link , which is for the He's A King side (the better side) there are the following comments posted: OMG I thought I would NEVER find this song! Nadal's win went out the window as soon as I heard this and have been searching for it ever since!!! used by BBC sport at end of French Open Tennis....brilliant!! I can't recall who I was talking to about this, but at a night discussing Barbara McNair, I mentioned seeing those comments and was told they thought the other side had been used by the BBC with a link to Andy Murray. Just idle curiosity about a record. The He's a King side is well worth a listen for it's own value. Also, Andy Murray is still British this morning!
  2. With respect to BBC Wibledon coverage, did I hear right that this was once used by the BBC as backing track to a review of Murray's (British if he wins, Scot if he loses) performance? Flip side to He's A King, which in my opinion is a great ballad.
  3. Thanks boba, enjoyed your summary, it somehow feels better for me thinking he's an idiot rather than malicious.
  4. I've asked him for shipping info and been told that he was following it up with US postal. Also said he would send a refund if not sorted. That was before the 45 day period rolled over - since then no communication. I can smile at the irony. Think my ebay score is about 800+, 99% of which are records. I've only not received 3 records, 2 of which refunded very quickly, I suspected on both of which there was an excuse involved as I'd won them far too cheap and to be honest I don't really blame the sellers fir that. This is the third. $35.55 postage and it didn't arrive. I suspect he didn't like the fact that I questioned the postage. I don't think it was ever posted. Big coincidence for hundreds and hundreds of 45s at $5.20 postage to arrive and the one posted with such a premium service not to arrive. What info would I need to call customs? Although not much point if the seller has stopped communicating. One for experience I think boba, although I do have a wide vendictive streak.
  5. Update - BEWARE THIS SELLER. Record not received. Many emails asking for patience whilst supposedly following up with US postal service, this took sale past 45 day limit for ebay/paypal dispute. Since then no further emails or responses. Think I'll bid on some more, not pay and leave crap feedback
  6. Hi Stevie. There was a topic a short while ago that I put a link on to a previous . . . if that makes any sense. Anyway, you may find what your looking for on either of these (this link or the link on this link topic!). Alternatively the best on show at the moment is the home-made box currently running. I've seen an array of boxes in my time but that is some box . Hope all's well with you and hope we get to catch up soon, Dean. After thought edit - I think both these threads were more about storage than travel boxes though.
  7. It's you isn't it? And . . .happy fathers day to all on here who didn't get their dream vinyl again from the offspring you've supported and paid for through University . . oh well mug is prety good. Vinyl at least is true to you and always your friend.
  8. Tim you may want to look back at other threads (sure there must be some) about the UK Mowest. There's an earlier Mowest release (DJ and Issue I think) 1972 Mowest 3002, and a later 1975(?) release Mowest 3024, again issue and DJ. There's quite a price difference between them. I don't think many places or people will have a problem (outside of personal taste!) with the '75 3024 being played as orig, just not the first issue. Hope thta's useful, Dean
  9. Think I'd be better looking under Rockn'roll for 1-7, am hoping for some blues though. I'll have to check track listings obviously but the collector in me wants to own 'em all.
  10. Two of my favourites from Kent, and one from Chess. The Chess Golden Decade is a particular fav home player. I think there was a series of 9, this vol 8 being the last chronological one with Vol 9 as a sampler. Would like to own them all but never see them, don't know if they're pricey or not?
  11. Previous thread, some of which could be useful still. Although the boxes I was on about from B&Q are no longer available. I got the last 2 from Chesterfield B&Q for £5 each because the hinges were a bit wobbly. Replaced hinges, bargain.
  12. The white SOUL demos, and as I said in another thread once for personal reasons Gil Scott heron and Brian Jackson - Winter in America (Lp odd that it doesn't have the track Winter in America on it) You can bury me / burn me with that one. As to when, hopefully a week before you to get better prices, but probabaly too late to of interest ot anyone.
  13. Just listening to Tuesday night's Mark Radcliffe music club (Radio 2 Tues 11-12) on BBC iPlayer whilst I do some inportant stuff at work. Started show with Toys - Lovers Concerto followed by Mel Williams - Can it be me. Nice to hear and I do enjoy Mark's show but . . . . . . Mark added the following information regarding Mel Williams - A big friend and contemporary of Lonnie Donegan and the first man to play a rockn'roll show in Beruit!!!!!!!!! Nice to hear can it be Me on radio 2 but me thinks Mark R has the wrong Mel Williams. I wonder if the mistake would've been picked up Mark radcliffe's previous co-presenter Stuart Maconie? Was one reason for posting this drivel to push the dance lessons further down??
  14. Very nice item Saved my fav until last
  15. Apart from the German fraulien frolics it was all a bit Enid Blyton " Two go mad for vinyl in Norfolk" or given the result "Norfolk'n Good" . The lengths we'd go to for a smell of vinyl in those days. . . . . . fond memories. My hands were so cramped after the ride home I couldn't play with myself for weeks . . . . . . again fond memeories
  16. I know this isn't what you are after Vince. I'm only putting it up for any opportunity to embarrass Garry Churm for those who may know him. Think it was about 1977 although can't be sure, certainly before I had a car and was getting regular petrol money form Mr Churm . Garry came up with a plan for us both to cycle from Mansfield to Kings Lynn to visit Soul Bowl, 80 odd mile . Garry assured me he knew where it was. Set off one evening, through Newark onto Sleaford. The original idea had been to sleep rough but G had been alarmed by a dead stoat in the road. We slept at Inga's cafe in Sleaford, we met Inga in a pub just at last orders. If you know Garry please ask him about his one night affair with Inga, I really shouldn't add more detail. Set off for Kings Lynn after a good breakfast, when we got close Garry acknowledged that he thought Soul Bowl had recently moved but was in the countryside somewhere near Kings Lynn . I guess I consider myself lucky it's kinda flat around there. We cycled miles and miles. We ended up crashing a very posh garden party at Dersingham and ended up at Hunstanton (although we did get the bikes onto a bus there for the last few miles as we were so hopelessly lost). Never did find Soul Bowl, although Garry did find his appetite for large german ladies. The cycle back in one day was dreadful. Now let's see if we can tempt Garry to join up and comment . . . . . . I know you'll read it
  17. just to add another strong personal fav
  18. Just an update for anyone awaiting post from Canada, from a very good Canadian communicator: Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I will be sending out your music to you tomorrow. The strike is in what they call a "Rotating" schedule so that not all areas having problems at the same time. This means that I have an opportunity to get your package on its way. I would like to thank you for your patience while we were having problems with the post, and for understanding that this has been totally out of my control. Thanks again for your business and have a great day. Cheers..... - tuneupmusic
  19. Boxes are spread around a bit at the moment, but here's a random 5: Sounds Inc is a real "roof falling in" sound, would like to see if I could dance to it these days, ever played now?
  20. Message from Canadian Seller for info: Thank you for the payment. I must pass on some unfortunate news. CANADA POST are going on strike. I spoke to the post office where they informed me that packages given in today WILL NOT get out in time to beat the strike, and will be held up in the system. In my experience with these things over the last 12 years of selling records on ebay, the best thing to do is to wait until the strike is over to send the package rather than hoping it would get through now. I do not want your package to get lost in the mail or damaged because of poor handling (as this has happened to myself and other ebay sellers that I know before). Please trust that with my over 9000 feedbacks that I am a honest and fair seller, and will do the best that I can to make sure that your music is with you absolutely as soon as I can make it happen. I will keep you informed as to the progress with the post office. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank You. Message rec'd 1st June, Dean
  21. I think that's an important aspect. Similar to Mark S above have a slight concern about the contrived aspect of dance lessons BUT the dancers look as though they are feeling it not just going through motions. Perhaps we had a pride in the sub-culture aspect of the scene when our knees were more able, and so tend to shun the full frontal culture, but the whole world has moved on into mass communication (like this site). All-in-all quite uplifting viewing, and not all in fancy dress which is a plus.
  22. Hi Lorraine - similar to Mick, who I'm happy to call a friend, I thought I'd wait until this thread slowed a little . . . . . but it hasn't, it's record breaking interest is testimony to the rightful esteem you're held in. So I just wanted to add my love and best wishes to a true star (in this age of false celebrity and manufactured stars). Thank you for doing what you've done, your singing is part of the soundtrack to my life. Look forward to the book. Lover and best wishes, Dean.
  23. Has this been mulled over before? Isn't there a considerable similarity in the Marvin Gaye and Mary Wells 1964 version of the old jazz Fred Rose / Walter Hirsch penned (1926) 'Deed I Do', (also done by Gene McDaniels 1960) to Frank Wilson 'Do I Love You (Indeed I Do) 1965? Has this ever been acknowledged or am I just wrong? Couldn't find 'Deed I Do' on Refo so here's a You Tube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NshDDAjvjCM

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